Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [unc] view that the " in BNC.

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1 In the event the conviction for capital murder was affirmed on the ground that ( the evidence being overwhelming ) there had been no miscarriage of justice , despite the majority 's view that the trial judge had been in error .
2 But the inspector has upheld the council 's view that the range is visually damaging to the area .
3 It is the Tribunal 's view that the present arrangements regarding Shift Allowance etc. should apply .
4 It is the Commission 's view that the members of that body would all be elected representatives and would advise the Commission on a wide range of policy issues relevant to the regions .
5 Lord Malmesbury queried the Government 's view that the concentration of offices would produce a saving in ground rents , when the land alone for the block scheme ‘ would cost a million and a half of money ’ .
6 It is the government 's view that the actual cash spent must be considered in relation to , and made consistent with , the government 's objectives for taxation , the borrowing requirements and the money supply .
7 It is the Government 's view that the Commission should be thinking of ways of saving taxpayers ' money , not justifying fresh reasons for expending it .
8 The document , being unveiled this afternoon , challenged the Government 's view that the present level of spending on pensions is unsustainable .
9 A better piece of news for the Government yesterday came from Brussels , where there were indications that German and Spanish EC finance ministers were gradually swinging round to the Government 's view that the social chapter would lose jobs rather than protect them .
10 During bitter exchanges in the Commons , Mr Smith challenged Mr Major over the about-turn in the Government 's view that the passing of Labour 's amendment — with the support of Tory rebels — would wreck the bill .
11 Alan Clements , Trafalgar 's chairman , persistently repeated the company 's view that the accounts ‘ were right at the time they were published' , a view supported by David Jenkins , Touche 's partner in charge of the audit .
12 A discount indicates the market 's view that the DM will weaken against the dollar .
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