Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unbreakable Brens , trundled through the field by infantrymen all over the world .
2 Even then , among the debris with smuts all over his face , he still retained his poise .
3 And with the help of breeders all over the world , they 've made a dramatic comeback .
4 This Easter we have seen the groundswell of demand all over the world that the arms race be brought to a standstill .
5 I 'm interested in the role of women all over the world , particularly in terms of what effect development strategies have had on women 's position , not merely in India but in other parts of the world as well , because I feel that there are a lot of common experiences which impinge on the problem as it relates to India .
6 This was the pattern in wetlands all over the country until the Reformation .
7 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
8 Much of the syllabus has become part of the training of dancers all over the world .
9 Paul took this message about life and the mystery of humanity all over the Mediterranean world .
10 This simple account of cattle-raiding followed by an expedition to punish the thieves explains the situation on frontiers all over the world , and of course these punitive expeditions ( which sometimes took the form of pre-emptive strikes by people who wanted to get their retaliation in first ) were carried out without consulting any central government .
11 They had to lie on their stretchers in the back of a lorry listening to the din of battle all around them .
12 Algal , lichen and moss communities grow wherever there is a hint of moisture , in a variety of habitats all over the continent .
13 Now in its third year , the RUNNING Magazine/Sports Tours International Challenge has firmly established itself as a favourite with competitors all over Europe .
14 No time to get to the shelter , there was a noise of metal all around us .
15 And she 's dropped a tin of paint all over her trainers .
16 You keep meeting the same people in a sector of industry all over the world . ’
17 A tiny creature which cuts a tracery of lines all over the surface of floating foliage .
18 This game is based on the Simon game that was a hit with kids all over the U.K. a number of years ago .
19 ‘ Racing is almost a taboo subject if we 're having a barbecue or something , ’ explains Webster who managed to share a pit with Michel all through their 1990 title battle .
20 In the reception foyer there were two large teddy bears sitting under a tree with flowers all round them , and two plates of fresh summer berries in front of them !
21 ‘ It 's disgusting , ’ contributed Mrs Harper from time to time , presenting her flat , mean , worthless little counter simply because she could not bear to remain silent , to sit back where others played , although she recognized herself temporarily outnumbered , ‘ disgusting , I call it , ’ and Shirley , hearing this phrase for the millionth time , had a vision of households all over Britain in which censorious , ignorant old bags like her mother-in-law , who had never done anything for the public good , who had nothing positive ever to contribute to any argument , passed judgement on others while stuffing themselves with goose and roast potatoes and sprouts and apple sauce .
22 They have built up a list of people all over the world who have been sending them football songs and now send Beatles covers as well .
23 ‘ We have lost a lot of ponds all over the country , so the ones we do have are even more important as wildlife habitats . ’
24 And the worst thing you can do is to screw it all up by putting a lot of technique all over it ! '
25 I know that there are no easy answers , but if we do not at least attempt to act decisively , Zagreb , Dubrovnik , Vukovar and Osijek could be just the first names on a ghastly roll call resembling those unending , poignant first world war memorials that are such a feature of life all over the continent of Europe .
26 CHEMICALS which have been found in the River Clyde pose a threat to otters all over Britain , the World Wide Fund For Nature warned this week .
27 a load of feathers all over his face .
28 The day had got off to a bad start as it was ( late for work , lost the shop key , spilt a load of fish-food all over the floor and then cracked my head on a shelf while clearing it up ) .
29 He talks about news of the education cuts in England , and is aghast when there is such a thirst for education all around him .
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