Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] he have had " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and it 's , it 's all there , it 's , you know it 's a nice car , it 's the nicest car he 's had !
2 It was long after she had gone to sleep and he had prodded her in the ribs to stop her snoring and was , himself , lying awake , staring into the darkness , thinking about Donald that it occurred to Henry that this was the longest conversation he had had with Elinor for about a year and that , after a bad start , she had , once or twice , come dangerously near to amiability .
3 He had never completely recovered from the serious illness he had had when he first arrived .
4 The previous day he had had to drive the route over and over until he knew it perfectly .
5 ‘ Gazza has always been brilliant on the football field and it will be great to see him back after the long haul he 's had . ’
6 The 27-year-old North-East man was at times impatient and ragged and displayed the expected ring rust from the ten-month lay-off he had had before the fight .
7 Charles admired the skill with which the old pro conveyed an air of ease and relaxation , of the company having been one happy family , of the great fun he had had rehearsing for the show .
8 On the romantic front he had had a string of engaging and pretty girlfriends , not least of all the vivacious flame-haired Lady Sarah Spencer .
9 It was n't the first time he 'd had this nightmare ; it was happening more often nowadays .
10 Cleo concluded it was probably not the first time he 'd had to deal with a situation like this .
11 ‘ Faber would not be for sale even at the right price , ’ commented Matthew Evans a touch wearily — this being by no means the first time he has had to deny such rumours .
12 Ron Beddis admits it 's the first frog he 's had to deal with .
13 You 're not telling me he 'd ridden all the way from Yorkshire after the gruelling day he 'd had , just to enjoy the pleasures of your delightful little body !
14 The only person he 's had through the tr the turbulence and turmoil of the last year is and you would n't give her a
15 The only bother he 's had in Lothian Road has been hostile looks from casuals in the Burnt Post bar .
16 Sarah will no doubt be keen to take the part , but Lloyd Webber has revealed that Roger Moore is not the only actor he has had to talk into a role .
17 It was the same expression he 'd had when backing away from the struggle around the campfire just before Osvaldo — his beard still smouldering — had put him under arrest .
18 He was sitting:in the same chair he had had before , on that late-night chat .
19 A feeling of elation came over him , the same feeling he 'd had when Mary had left .
20 It was not that unpleasant memories were evoked , for these were always with him , his existence was inseparable from that old bitterness , but that a sight of the house , even the glimpse of a photograph , revived the precise feelings he had had — why , it must be getting on for eleven years ago .
21 ‘ They are great pals , the prince enjoys her company and he has found her of great help in the recent troubles he has had at home .
22 After drinking with a friend , Mr. Clarkson , in 1803 , he declares it was the best time he had had since he came into Westmorland .
23 ‘ This could easily be the best season he 's had for us . ’
24 They gave Ken the best reviews he had had to date — and the best he could possibly wish for .
25 Over the past year he had had more than a dozen screenplays rejected by The Little Magazine .
26 Over the past year he has had eight sheep , one suckle-calf and a ram bitten by adders : the ram died .
27 You see , the last order he 'd had from her was made from London after she 'd disappeared — although he did n't know that .
28 No more than that , for we were all on renewable annual contracts and Clive never tired of reminding us just how many eager applicants there had been the last time he 'd had to ‘ let someone go ’ .
29 He remembered the last visit he had had — from Marshal Tolonen — and was determined to keep Kim away from things .
30 We learnt the next day he had had to hand in his uniform and get off the job as fast as he could .
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