Example sentences of "[art] [noun] laid [adv prt] by the " in BNC.

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1 He further contends by ground ( 2 ) of his notice of appeal that the failure of the judge to perceive the limitations imposed on her discretion in the context of the Convention led her to reject the proposition that the elements necessary to the exercise of that discretion have to exist within the framework laid down by the Convention itself .
2 There is serious doubt about whether Italy can achieve the norms laid down by the Maastricht Treaty , and qualify for membership of the European Community single market next year and full monetary union by 1997 or later .
3 If he does cause a byelection , he will face the charge that he is not prepared to play by the rules laid down by the party conference .
4 True , the police do at times breach the rules laid down by the law .
5 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
6 It emphasized that many people considered that direct contact between boards and course teams was ‘ one of the most valued aspects of the Council 's operation ’ , and the Council concurred with this view as long as boards worked within the policies laid down by the committees .
7 At the Essex Forest Eyre held at Waltham Holy Cross in 1489 , juries attended only from the hundreds of Becontree and Waltham Holy Cross and the half hundred of Waltham , plus four men and the reeve from only seventeen forest townships , all in the south-western corner of Essex : that is to say , the forest of Essex had been reduced , roughly speaking , to the bounds laid down by the hotly contested perambulations of 1300 .
8 This function is primarily undertaken in a school ( within the parameters laid down by the LEA ) by the governors , the headteacher and the deputies .
9 Speaking on implementing the guidelines laid down by the fifth plenum , government spokesperson Yuan Mu said on Nov. 22 : " The main problem behind the many mistakes which have occurred in China in the past lies within the party and it is therefore necessary first to focus attention on the party itself in solving the problem " ( of " dilution and weakening of party leadership , neglect of ideological and political work , and neglect of the building of party style " ) .
10 If the interpretation of the point is not given to the ordinary courts then the error will not be an error of law at all ; the criterion laid down by the tribunal will be the accepted standard .
11 There is not only a form of filtering within homes of the rooms offered to those on income support , but homes sometimes put up a bar against those whose only contribution is up to the ceiling laid down by the Government .
12 Both the trial judge and the Court of Appeal applied the law laid down by the Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division in Reg. v. Commissioner for Local Administration , Ex parte Croydon London Borough Council [ 1989 ] 1 All E.R.
13 The rates are ultimately set by the individual authority , but usually within the bands laid down by the National Joint Council for Local Authorities ' Administrative , Professional , Technical and Clerical Services ( LAAPTAC ) .
14 Governors of aided schools , as the legal employers of the staff of their schools , have always had the right to make their own staffing arrangements subject to the establishment laid down by the authority .
15 This does not mean that today 's choreographers need follow the conventions laid down by the Renaissance scholars who were more interested in the physical ability and behaviour of courtiers .
16 Daylight was in fact one of the conditions laid down by the curators Vincent Pomarede , Marie-Catherine Sahut and Sylvain Laveissiere in the brief for the new galleries , together with the integration of views of the Seine and of the Louvre .
17 ‘ The rights deriving from the above-mentioned provisions of the Treaty include not only the rights of establishment and of participation in the capital of companies or firms but also the right to pursue an economic activity , as the case may be through a company , under the conditions laid down by the legislation of the country of establishment for its own nationals .
18 Cripps had no alternative but to refuse the conditions laid down by the Executive .
19 But he 's still furious at the conditions laid down by the Department of Environment which he must agree to before the gypsies can stay .
20 As David Trippier from the Department of the Environment said , this is two-and-a-half years ahead of the schedule laid down by the Montreal protocol — and the government would have liked it even faster .
21 But where local law is absent or ambiguous , and British courts have the opportunity to shape the law according to their notion of an appropriate public policy , they should give effect to the policy laid down by the Convention .
22 Other classes — peasants and now workers — were accepted only on the terms laid down by the leaders .
23 It will not , however , come into effect until 1 July 1994 , eighteen months after the deadline laid down by the Single European Act .
24 Our chalet was spacious and the meals laid on by the live-in girl were cordon bleu quality .
25 British Nuclear Fuels has always denied that its operations cause the sort of dangers alleged by its critics , and affirmed that its discharges and exposure levels are kept within the limits laid down by the regulatory authorities .
26 Finally , I can not stress too strongly the importance which should be attached to the Bank of England having , within the limits laid down by the Act and the general law , unfettered and unimpeded scope for the exercise of their most important public duties of regulation under the Act in the interests of the public , who are surely entitled to rely on the Bank of England to exercise those powers with integrity .
27 This is now a quite normal Condition to impose on suppliers , whose output quality may be rigorously tested by customers prior to the acceptance of batches of products ; undertake ( and pay for ) specified research , development and design activities needed to meet the specifications laid down by the customer .
28 So the Minister has to be very clear , when he comes to the Dispatch Box , whether any company applying to take over STG subsidiaries will be required to take on board the specifications laid down by the disabled persons transport advisory committee .
29 The rest would be urged , steered and if necessary forced onto the path laid down by the dogma of their self-appointed leaders .
30 " The European Council notes that 11 member states desire to continue on the path laid down by the Social Charter in 1989 [ see p. 37132 ] .
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