Example sentences of "[art] [noun] until at [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
2 The retention of title is an arrangement whereby the seller of goods retains title to the goods until at least the buyer of the goods pays for them .
3 The kings of the Mercians until at least the time of Ceolwulf ( 821–3 ) claimed descent from either Penda or one of his brothers ( see Appendix , Fig. 8 ) .
4 The 36-year-old American is unlikely ever again to have such a good chance to lift a 10th title , with Monica Seles absent and Graf out of the way until at least the final .
5 One reason for the weakness of the Communist movement in Mexico is that intellectuals were effectively incorporated into the system until at least the late 1960s , the Mexican government ‘ preferring the price of appeasing or coopting intellectuals to the perils of ignoring or alienating them ’ .
6 Thus the popular EC argument that HDMAC is necessary because digital HDTV will not be a reality until at least the year 2000 , has been turned on its head .
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