Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that we can judge precisely the response to a particular ad is a slightly dangerous idea . ’
2 The attachment of a particular bank 's name to the game generates goodwill from teachers and parents — today 's customers — and helps recognition of the bank among students at an early age — tomorrow 's customers .
3 There seems indeed to be an unacknowledged weighting in the direction of a particular religion .
4 Indeed , it is likely that cross-domain recognition is constrained by the coverage of a particular dictionary .
5 These are software products in which the expertise of a particular discipline medicine , say — is encapsulated within a computer program so that non-experts can make use of it .
6 In the industrial type of society there is , according to Spencer , a tendency for central regulation and coercive control to decline and to be replaced by representative institutions and a more diffuse system of regulation ; but this view is then qualified in various ways , and Spencer finally concludes that representative government depends largely upon the existence of a particular type of economy the laissez-faire free-enterprise economy — which creates the conditions in which ‘ multitudinous objects are achieved by spontaneously evolved combinations of citizens governed representatively ’ .
7 The crazed director had vowed to eat his show if a friend ever raised the money for a particular project .
8 The court said that a failure to pay a debt was not theft and held that there was no obligation to retain and deal with the money in a particular way .
9 Therefore , he was under an obligation to deal with the money in a particular way , that obligation being constituted by the contract .
10 Photochemical effects also occur which rely on the absorption of a particular wavelength of light by Molecules containing one isotope but not by those containing other isotopes .
11 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
12 Thirdly , it will illustrate how the institutions and processes work in the case of a particular example relating to the annual financial cycle .
13 The existential proposition here merely expresses in a general form what we know to be the case in a particular instance , i.e. that the concept man does indeed have an application .
14 On the other hand , the Hague Convention deals with a limited issue , that of service abroad ; it does not affect the rules as to the extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of a particular state , the rules of the forum court as to which documents are required to be served , nor the time-limits set for procedural steps under that law .
15 First , as far as direct effects are concerned , the most obvious way in which litigation might be used to secure a change in the law is to challenge the interpretation by the courts of a particular point of substantive law .
16 I argue for this in Chapter 12 concerning the possibility of participation in school worship at different levels , one level being a conscious but temporary withholding of the critical faculties in order to get on the wavelength of a particular belief .
17 The relationship between linguistic theory , the description of a particular language based upon it , and the way that language is actualized as behaviour in contexts of use is analogous to the relationship between a pedagogic theory of language learning , the devising of teaching materials based upon it , and the way that language is most effectively actualized for learning in the contexts of particular classrooms .
18 The physicist concentrates on the behaviour of certain particles , the economist on a particular type of firm , the literature student on a certain period or genre .
19 It may well be that the decision of a particular valuer appointed might fix the price and might be equally satisfactory to both : so it can hardly be said there is a difference between them .
20 Such cases illustrate the capacity of English judges prospectively to make law and reveal a sharp bifurcation between the decision in a particular case and the rule of law which it supports .
21 Even if you are certain in your mind about the usefulness/uselessness of a particular book , it is good practice to skim through the book from beginning to end .
22 Typically , discussion of lifetime income focuses on the experience of a particular generation ( an age cohort born , for example , in a certain decade ) .
23 It is apparent from these sequences that the persistence of a particular state ( F or C ) is considerable ; if one day is foggy then the next day is more likely to be foggy than clear , and vice-versa .
24 If we find the rules of a particular activity uncongenial or impossible to keep , we can , at least in principle , contract out and play a different game .
25 For example when foreign documents relating to professional conduct the opinions of experts not sealable on disputes of policy in professional to etiquette to elucidate the rules of a particular profession , English law , morals and probability of human nature and all our opinions of law is that which English law though they may prove the proper costs of particular legal proceedings , neither expert or ordinary witnesses may give their opinions upon matters of legal or moral obligations or general human nature or the manner in which other persons would probably act in the interests and my Lord this director points at the policy it is in fact the authority admits which is Mr Justice then was .
26 The responsibility for a particular budget should be clearly defined ;
27 One market research survey into the purchase of a particular brand of ready-mix pudding named the article and asked housewives how often they bought it .
28 They are not meant to punish the press , but when a publisher deliberately or recklessly sets out to defame another , with the object of making a profit out of that defamation ( ie by increasing circulation ) the law permits " punitive " damages to be awarded , as in Cassell & Co v Broome : David Irving wrote a book about the fate of a wartime convoy , blaming it upon the negligence of a particular captain , Broome .
29 A further complication is that the function of a particular segment may depend on just which interpretations are most likely at that point in processing rather than on the language system as a whole .
30 Dictionary publishers have limited fonts available and the same font may indicate different roles in different parts of the definitions ( human readers are easily able to use the definitional context to determine the function of a particular font change ) .
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