Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [be] replace by " in BNC.

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1 Then , his restoration had been intended as a counterbalance to Warwick 's influence in the north , but in 1471 the Nevilles had been replaced by Gloucester .
2 Then , his restoration had been intended as a counterbalance to Warwick 's influence in the north , but in 1471 the Nevilles had been replaced by Gloucester .
3 Today , primitive skill on the field has been replaced by brains on the bench and , as such , football is now on an intellectual par with chess and skittles .
4 It was only some years later , when the over-expansion he had forecast had materialised , and some of the more obscurantist leaders of the industry had been replaced by new men , that the industry came to terms with the problem ( see pp. 212–17 , below ) .
5 Pressing the ‘ fast forward ’ button on the video of Alpine life , the transhumance of the shepherd has been replaced by the seasonal migrations of the ski bum , tour company rep and plongeur .
6 Many of the elms have been replaced by Cupressus , notably the 18th fairway boundary hedge which has quickly become an effective screen and pleasing to look at .
7 The seat has been replaced by a stronger version .
8 Yet in the near half century since ’ Twenty-four Square Miles ’ was shot , the horse has been replaced by the tractor and the train by the car .
9 The local pit has closed and the miners have been replaced by serious athletes who wear regulation running gear and train thoroughly , sometimes all year round .
10 In separate talks the US President met Presidents Yel'tsin and Nazarbaev , and he also travelled to Kiev to address the Ukrainian parliament ; this was a recognition that Soviet foreign policy had become multipolar even before the USSR had been replaced by its constituent republics .
11 ‘ The use of impeachment at law is a method of control of the Executive by the Commons has been replaced by the convention of ministerial responsibility to Parliament . ’
12 Although the credits had finished , and the picture had been replaced by a robotic continuity announcer , Cheryl 's expression had not changed .
13 The heat of the day had been replaced by searing cold and the bus was nearly empty .
14 Outside the birdsong has been replaced by the sound of a military band marching up the road .
15 Before the end of the month the armourers had been replaced by drapers , bootmakers , butchers , bakers and millers .
16 Since the trial , the Code had been replaced by a second edition .
17 When the right hand side of a rule is found the symbols involved are replaced by the symbol on the left hand side of the rule .
18 The italics are ours , and mark the parts which had been deleted by the time the twelfth edition was reached in 1954 ; the word trained was replaced by rightly guided .
19 One Canadian official told New Scientist that scientists from the US have been replaced by ‘ people with less relevant experience , and some who have been acting as political commissars ’ .
20 The studio has been replaced by urbanism and industry .
21 Also in the Corinthian Order , it has an almost intact peristyle of 20 columns but the entablature has been replaced by a modern roof .
22 Scientists have been increasingly professionalised within universities , research institutes and industrial enterprises , the magi have been replaced by managers of research .
23 Two of the rungs had been replaced by fresh wood .
24 In the DCS200 , the film has been replaced by a single CCD ( Charged Coupled Device ) chip .
25 In the UK , the concept of the administrator has been replaced by the term business manager and the directors are , again , nearly all doctors but not exclusively .
26 Set up B shows an alternative lighting arrangement in which the floodlamp has been replaced by a simple reflector .
27 The market has been replaced by centralised planning , with the planners determining which priorities should be given to output growth in various sectors .
28 The brown of the plains has been replaced by an underlying green , like the velvet on a stag 's antlers .
29 More recently , intelligence as a predictor has been replaced by the variety of cognitive processes available to an individual .
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