Example sentences of "[art] [adj] eye [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , there are those who will cling to the cock-eyed view that the glorious uncertainty of the human eye in these matters is good enough .
2 Some observers can see it with the naked eye under ideal conditions , though I certainly can not .
3 The tests , conducted under the watchful eye of Nuclear Installations Inspectorate teams , aim to prove the safety of the Highly Active Cycle system , which uses steam ejectors to pump highly active liquor around the plant .
4 As a first step in the reform of teacher training , postgraduate students will spend much more time in school classrooms , learning their skills under the practised eye of senior teachers .
5 Such proposals are naturally a major source of controversy between the political parties but some local authorities have undoubtedly been looking at charges with a fresh eye in recent years .
6 Cast a cold eye on National Savings Bank or ordinary accounts ( 2.5–5% ) , and National Savings Certificates which have come to the end of their five year period and are now paying only the ‘ general extension rate ’ of 5.01% .
7 In 1931 Japan resorted to force and occupied Manchuria , but the West , absorbed in its own problems , was able to turn a blind eye to such encroachments within the confines of East Asia .
8 Until then , police practice involved turning a blind eye to minor breaches of public decency rather than embarking on lengthy prosecutions .
9 Many have become lifestyle feminists with husbands and boyfriends who have cultivated the good-humoured acceptance of feminist ideas and who behave as non-oppressive , anti-sexist men , cooking the ratatouille , organising crêches at women 's conferences , and turning a blind eye to untidy houses and piles of dirty washing .
10 As British economists know only too well , it is easy to turn a blind eye to unwelcome truths of this kind and to indulge for decades in a form of national self-delusion .
11 Have the Government finally abandoned the erstwhile Tory doctrine that the rule of law must be upheld in all circumstances , now that the Attorney-General is turning a blind eye to big supermarkets breaking the Sunday trading law and as the poll tax non-payment campaign has apparently recruited the architect 's daughter ?
12 It is not only defence ministries that would look askance at the creation of a defence oligopoly ; competition authorities exist to keep a beady eye on such tendencies .
13 Given the challenge of competitive international markets , the corporate world , at least in its rhetoric , is keen to recruit bright graduates who as managers will be able to turn a critical eye on established practices .
14 The milkmen have been watching out for customers who lay their part in the community , are good neighbour , keep a watchful eye on elderly residents , or putting nuts out for the birds .
15 Having narrowed the field , do a tour of the shops and try as many different models as you can , keeping a watchful eye on such things as good picture definition and colour , no picture ‘ jitter ’ ( unsteadiness ) , and good sound recording with low hiss and mechanical noise pick-up .
16 She kept a watchful eye on any leaks that might have sprung .
17 What we do know is that ADRK will keep a close eye on all matters concerning the breed .
18 Dr Nick Carey — everything about the Petrochemicals business is big and requires a sharp eye on future trends to maintain maximum profitability
19 Tozer 's writings are invariably simple in style and straightforward in substance , but he had a direct appreciation of landscape , which carries its own charm , and , like his friend Edward Lear [ q.v. ] , a sharp eye for human foibles and vanities revealed by the activities of local officials in the Turkish provinces .
20 She emerged at the start of this year with the album Little Earthquakes , a collection of quietly rapturous songs that cast an unflinching eye across such subjects as loss of virginity , shattered romance and kinky sexual encounters .
21 On the other hand , Stanley Morison , responsible for the typographical identity of The Times in the 1930s , was not an adroit penman — he simply had an unerring eye for good typefaces and strong composition .
22 The group , Mothers Against Murder , says in future women should keep an close eye on ALL children … not just their own .
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