Example sentences of "[art] [adj] deal of his time " in BNC.

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1 But it 's because of the Church , of course , that people like Joyce and , for a great deal of his time , Yeats , had to live out of Ireland …
2 Although he is based in Paris and spends a great deal of his time in his various houses in France , Lagerfeld is , in the way he conducts his life and work , a relic of an older Germany — a country of small principalities , ruled , like Herzog 's eighteenth-century Weimar , by cultured and cultivated monarchs who surrounded themselves with small courts of aristocrats , intellectuals and kindred creative spirits .
3 ’ Rock stars are always being asked to help charities , ’ sighs Sting , while Lenny Henry , who also gives a great deal of his time and resources to good causes , illustrates the bad effect charity appearances can have on your own career .
4 Despite the joy she had out of being with him on the ‘ Carry On ’ set , she for one thought that he was wasting a great deal of his time .
5 I think it 's therefore fair to say that perhaps even in Russell 's own eyes , his original epistemological programme , which occupied a great deal of his time and writing , between erm nineteen-twelve and erm the thirties , in fact broke down .
6 To correct the curve it was necessary to stretch the concavity and contract the convexity — in furtherance of which he spent a good deal of his time moving across the floor in a peculiar creeping posture , which Doctor Staples referred to as ‘ Klapp 's crawl ’ .
7 Nicholson , who was spending a good deal of his time in the new BBS offices , which he hoped would be the starting point of his own aspirations towards directing , chipped in with the observation that his biker pictures had all grossed respectable money and made very handsome profits from a low outlay .
8 Finchie , meanwhile , was spending a good deal of his time at Oblatz , a bar-restaurant just across the street from the studio .
9 On that thought , a streak of fairness smote Fabia and she became guiltily aware that , since he must spend a good deal of his time cooped up in his office , it was no wonder that he wanted to enjoy his walks without any prying journalist asking the ‘ whys and wherefores ’ of everything .
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