Example sentences of "[prep] spite [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The causes of high blood pressure , or hypertension , and of clotting , or thrombosis , are still obscure , in spite of the mountains of evidence accumulated about the mechanisms by which the blood pressure may be raised or the blood may clot .
2 A man of this stamp , ruling what was still in essentials , in spite of the reforms of Maria Theresa , a mere group of separate provinces , was certain to encounter opposition .
3 In spite of the distances of time and culture , we also discover that we can learn from the great men and women of faith who lived before us .
4 In spite of the promptings of self-interest these men took great risks and were illuminated by the concept of the romantic hero : failure meant death and entry into the liberal calendar of martyrs .
5 In spite of the nationalizations of the 1960s and 1970s the stock of capital of foreign investors continues to generate about one-fifth of Africa 's gross national product .
6 The fundamental reason for this was that between 1880 and 1900 there was coming to an end that Concert of Europe which , in spite of the wars of the mid-century , had avoided a general war since 1815 .
7 It is extremely dubious , in spite of the differences in grammatical paradigm , whether anything would be gained by classifying the two occurrences of old , or those of eat , as grammatically , hence lexically , distinct .
8 In spite of the differences in the declared aims of the two sorts of day care , and in their staffing , studies have found very little difference between them in terms of what the people who use them actually do .
9 In spite of the difficulties of the War the contractors , Daniel Eadie and Son , had taken only a little over twenty months to complete the work on schedule .
10 In spite of the difficulties of organizing and sustaining such an action in conditions of clandestinity , it continued for almost a week — an unprecedented event in the Franco regime .
11 A healthy number still survive in spite of the activities of farmers , planners and roadbuilders in search of cheap metal .
12 I just wish to point out that , in spite of the problems of cash shortages and extra pressures on school teachers , this school is providing extra-curricular activities for the pupils .
13 In spite of the claims of the success of the Thatcher years , Mr Lang will emphasise the need for Scotland to fill that critical gap which has emerged over the last 13 years .
14 In spite of the limitations of speechreading , it can be a bridge which , used with listening tactics , is the deciding factor in participation in the ordinary community .
15 In spite of the limitations of travel , he visited most major volcanic areas of the world .
16 In spite of the findings with animal models and in vitro experiments , the present study does not support a causal role for ammonia production in antral gastritis in man .
17 Even Catholic sympathy for Polish co-religionists was wearing thin , and , in spite of the efforts of Bishop O'Rourke , there was considerable hostility towards the Poles from within the Free City 's Catholic hierarchy .
18 The shower cubicle was in a tiny room with a basin and toilet off the bedroom , and a luxurious steam built up quickly in spite of the efforts of the extractor fan to draw it away .
19 William of Malmesbury is our source for the tale of the witch of Berkeley who served the Devil as a sorceress and who was carried off by him from her tomb in spite of the efforts of her family and the priest .
20 Sir Richard Doll , who first discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer , said he could understand that even doctors who smoked found it difficult to quit in spite of the dangers to health .
21 I remember that when Philip and I first made our way through London to a shop which was depicted in an advertisement , in spite of the crowds on either hand all along our route , in spite of the full directions of our elders , we were as much elated by our achievement as if it had been an arduous discovery made after a journey in a desert .
22 Details of the steps to be taken should you consider that the cause for complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily , in spite of the approaches to the above officers , are given in the Staff Handbook .
23 In spite of the touches of mystification he employed in many autobiographical references scattered through twenty years of publishing , it is possible to detect the complicated temperament he had inherited .
24 He did a little planning and on the next afternoon , in spite of the restrictions on his movements , he was able to keep his word .
25 ABOVE : Edwards ( Northcliffe Newspapers ) and BELOW : Ian Evans scoring his first goal for the Palace in spite of the attentions of the Grimsby Town defenders .
26 And this is why , in spite of the years of ostracism , it was possible for the Springboks to lose by only three points to the All Blacks and 23 points to the Wallabies .
27 The traditional southern support for the Democratic Party was maintained , in spite of the doubts of some of the more conservative southern politicians .
28 In spite of the weaknesses in his attempted synthesis , the same can be said of him in the context of the theology of the last century and a half as of Sir Christopher Wren on his tomb in St Paul 's Cathedral , Si monumentum requiris , circumspice — ‘ If you would see his memorial , look around you . ’
29 In spite of the hopes of the new legislation , progress in scheme preparation , the show piece of statutory town planning , was still slow .
30 There is , for instance , a showy and large-scale entrance to the Phaistos temple at the north-west corner ; at the equivalent point in the Knossos Labyrinth there seems to have been no entrance at all , in spite of the arguments of Arthur Evans and James Walter Graham ( see Castleden 1989 , pp. 12 and 189 ) .
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