Example sentences of "[prep] creating a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A statement issued by the politburo of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( DFLP ) on April 5 stated that the organization 's deputy secretary-general , Yassir Abd Rabbuh , had been dismissed after creating a breakaway faction in mid-January .
2 Gift of creating a pleasant environment with minimal resources .
3 And in his letter to John Major , Mattingly said ‘ Such an overwhelming desire to satisfy the demands of those who own large tracts of Scotland is hardly consistent with your ambition of creating a classless society in Britain . ’
4 Is not there a means of creating a one-stop application in such circumstances ?
5 Ryle points out that the psychologist 's dream of creating a behavioural science on a Newtonian basis must be abandoned .
6 The annual celebration of the ‘ World day of the Sick ’ , therefore , has the manifest purpose of making the People of God and , as a consequence , the many Catholic health care institutions and civil society itself , more aware of the necessity of ensuring the best possible care for the infirm ; of helping the sick person to make the most of suffering , on the human level , but most of all on the supernatural one ; of especially helping the dioceses , Christian communities and religious families to be involved in the health care of apostolate ; of enhancing the ever more valuable commitment of volunteers ; or reminding people of the importance of the spiritual and moral training of health care workers , and last of all of creating a better understanding of the importance of religious care for the sick among diocesan and religious priests , as well as among those who live and work at the side of the person in pain .
7 He recommends more research , with ‘ the aim of creating a global system of biospheric regulation in the interest of human society ’ .
8 Maginn canvassed other British delegates and found support for his idea of creating a representative body in the United Kingdom and Ireland .
9 Social reform was part of the policy of creating a totalitarian system through Gleichschaltung or ‘ coordination ’ .
10 In the name of creating a solid defence against a hostile outside world , dissidents or ‘ deviants ’ are thrown out like sacrifices to the god racism .
11 While there is no motion on the issue for debate at next month 's General Assembly , some leading Presbyterian figures have floated the idea of creating a new position within the Church structure .
12 They offered no alternative strategies , but all believed that encouraging children to enjoy good books freely was the soundest way of holding on to readers and of creating a new generation of them .
13 While the Semiconductor Industry Association is making mollifying noises on the issue of penetration of the Japanese chip market , but the new US administration is showing no such reticence , and US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor says he is ‘ resolute and determined ’ to pry open Japan 's semiconductor market to more US chips — ‘ We have every intention of creating a new framework of shared responsibility with our trading partners , ’ Kantor said in remarks prepared for the Semiconductor Industry Association .
14 But they would not have dreamed of creating a new system of belief which might become a rival of Judaism — and , worse still , its persecutor .
15 He believes that B'nai B'rith Women 's determination to remain autonomous works against the trend of creating a new organisation for the 21st century comprising men and women .
16 He believes that B'nai B'rith Women 's determination to remain autonomous works against the trend of creating a new organisation for the 21st century comprising men and women .
17 Economic questions about ageing are seen by them to have an explicitly political dimension because the state , being the major determinant of the economic status of the elderly population , is regarded as capable ( and culpable ) of creating a new sort of deliberately structured dependency among old people .
18 In 1910 Boccioni and his friends got to know Marinetti well , and were undoubtedly excited at the prospect of creating a new form of painting to correspond to his novel ideas .
19 Every business letter should be written with the idea of creating a favourable impression in the mind of the reader .
20 Feminists isolated male sexuality as the target for reforming intervention , in the interests of creating a higher standard of purity among men .
21 The pronounced increase in latitudinal temperature zonation through the course of the Cainozoic , as the world altered progressively from its Mesozoic condition of equability , must have had the effect of creating a great number of ecological niches .
22 Hence , Congress immediately perceived the practicality of creating a physical link between them , and approved the necessary funds .
23 Conversely , an object affixed to realty but capable of being removed without much difficulty may yet be a fixture , if , for example , the purpose of its affixing be that " of creating a beautiful room as a whole " ( Neville J In Re Whaley [ 1908 ] 1 Ch 615 , 619 ) …
24 Another way of creating a bad impression at a social interview is by being so self-conscious and aware of what is going on that you are unable to act naturally and show yourself in the best possible light .
25 Bugsy ( 18 ) tells the story of star-struck gangster Bugsy Siegal , ( Warren Beatty ) , who falls for a Hollywood starlet ( Annette Bening ) and dreams of creating a magnificent hotel in the Nevada desert .
26 The clock was installed in 1920 with money raised by the parishioners with the intention of creating a long-lasting memorial to those who served and gave their lives in the First World War .
27 The week-long visit was the most significant move since the Soviet withdrawal in terms of creating a common line among the mujaheddin groups .
28 It is highly relevant to an assessment of the likelihood of creating a free market for electricity in Europe ( whatever the ambitions of the appropriate Directive ) that the French state-owned monopolist generating company also controls the electricity grid .
29 He toyed with the idea of creating a little angst in her life to slow her down .
30 Dr J Majo Cruzate , Advisor , Director General , DG XIII at the Commission of European Communities , after outlined the history of the European Single Market initiative up to Maastricht and ( probably ) beyond , and went on to extol the virtues of creating a single market for IT in Europe , with the European Commission 's roll seen as harmonising standards efforts and funding research .
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