Example sentences of "[prep] a return to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is inevitable that the kingship of the Louis should be discussed in terms of a return to the past , for this was the way they themselves justified it : their innovations were resumptions .
2 Even the term ‘ restoration ’ used in English has overtones of a return to the past ; the revival of a hallowed Japanese tradition which accorded supreme power to the imperial family .
3 FALLEN hero Alex ‘ Hurricane ’ Higgins took another step on the comeback trail last night when he beat Canadian Kirk Stephens 10-5 to keep alive his dream of a return to the Crucible .
4 His hope of a return to the frontline of European golf has been replaced by the prospect of joining the job queue in his native North East .
5 By the end , with an extended sermon on the emptiness of individualist ethics , he is pleading for a return to the benevolence in public affairs which Thatcher can not supply by nature of having been denied her mother 's breast , given the wrong sort of potty training , etc .
6 However , if you really hanker for a return to the glory days of kit design , look no further to the glory days of kit design , look no further than Arkwright , the Leeds-based company who reproduce classic old designs from the Fifties to the Seventies in 100 per cent cotton .
7 Leaving aside the occasional inept vinyl-to-CD transfer or wilfully bizarre remix , digital sound and I co-exist quite happily ; my main reason for a return to the vinyl frontier is a hankering to hear certain pieces of music from my retired record collection .
8 But he did n't like what he found — a student movement , influenced to some extent by the events in Europe , but calling for a return to the past in the shape of Juan Peron .
9 Short summer courses were arranged to prepare teachers for a return to the service .
10 This must not be read , however , as a nostalgic plea for a return to the age of classical epistemology .
11 It called for a return to the sunnah and followed a tradition of Islamic resurgence in Egypt in the nineteenth century .
12 The time had come , Pravda argued , for a return to the essence of socialism , and for a break with the distorted form it had acquired during the 1930s and 1940s .
13 In a return to the system of price controls which had been abandoned in 1990 , sector-wide increases would be decided by union , business and government representatives .
14 For instance , finality is felt in a return to the tonic , accompanied by tonic harmony , while temporary repose or the need for continuity is implied if the melody rests on another note with ( inevitably ) harmony which is not tonic harmony .
15 That would result in a return to the period when 29 million days were lost to strikes and when substantial burdens were imposed on British industry .
16 As Tour Commissionaer Deane Beman said last night : ‘ We all wish John the best in solving what is clearly a difficult situation for him and his family and we hope that a successful rehabilitation will lead to a return to the tour . ’
17 Only in nature and by a return to the land — in song , symbolism , in hiking and comradeship around the campfire — can we find that true alternative to the meaninglessness of modern life and its grasping materialism .
18 The impact of cuts was dulled by a return to the use of rates as a source of funds and , in some cases , a shift to increasing income from charges .
19 The plot states that an attachment to a strange woman , a woman who does not belong to this community of strangers , is succeeded by a return to the community , and by the dispersal , and survival , of the community .
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