Example sentences of "[prep] a couple of [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 I knew she had no morals to speak of and would go out with anyone who had the price of a couple of drinks on him and was n't too fussy about where he spent the night , and I thought these facts would surely be obvious to any casual passer-by .
2 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
3 She said she would shop for a couple of hours on her own , that she did n't want him with her while she mooched around dress departments .
4 ‘ See what it would cost for a couple of places on her ? ’
5 ‘ I am twenty-four , independent , I have my own flat , my own business , and I think I can take care of myself for a couple of weeks on a small , friendly Mediterranean island , thanks very much !
6 It is worth dwelling for a couple of seconds on what he has dropped out of .
7 She was in her office all Tuesday afternoon and went straight off for a couple of days on some residential course . ’
8 From Fort William drive north for a couple of miles on the A82 to a golf course on the right .
9 Living only for a couple of microseconds on average , the muon can not go from atom to atom catalysing fusion and liberating energy indefinitely ; the dream of the ages is n't so easily fulfilled .
10 For a couple of years on the run they 've lost their dole cheque round about Christmas .
11 Filled with a gentle and breadpaste mixture , with a couple of gentles on a number twelve hook , I think it 'd be a cert for bream . ’
12 In the Llanberis Pass , Steve Mayers has been busy with a couple of projects on the Cromlech .
13 No oh you think well that 's not an executive phone that 's just er a phone with a couple of buttons on it
14 ‘ Kenny Dalglish could buy them both in a week with the money I 've spent in a couple of years on a rebuilding job .
15 The National Association of Specialisht Anglers member put in a couple of days on the River Swale at Topcliffe in North Yorkshire to take six chub over 4 lb , including specimens of 5 lb 13 oz and 5 lb 12 oz .
16 You may trip over a couple of times on the way but you will be quite capable of picking yourself up and getting on with life until you have achieved your goal .
17 I 'd like to draw your attention to a couple of points on this slide .
18 Instead , not wanting to risk a scene without more evidence of his suspicions , he went back to his car and drove back to the Club , stopping briefly at a couple of pubs on the way to see if Gwen was in either .
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