Example sentences of "[prep] the rest of my life " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm going to be doing this for the rest of my life if I 'm not careful , ’ she told me one day .
2 If I plead guilty to that , I thought , I 'll end up in the nick for the rest of my life .
3 To me it is a worthwhile occupation and one which I am convinced will stand me in good stead for the rest of my life . ’
4 But the memory of those sacred bones remained engraved upon my memory for the rest of my life .
5 The immigrant ship to South Africa , and all that followed , was still in the womb of time ; but at that moment I resolved that though I would grieve for Leslie for the rest of my life , I would yet to go forward , lighting my way by the torch of the incandescent spirit .
6 I was really enjoying my new status as a mother and being at home and caring for Danielle and watching her grow and learn was all I wanted to do for the rest of my life .
7 The copy of the tune ‘ Auld Lang Syne ’ that exists in my brain will last only for the rest of my life .
8 Even after I was married and had children , and had travelled extensively in Africa and North America , I still used to wake up sometimes sweating in fear , convinced that I was still in the Waaf and for some mysterious reason unable to obtain my release , but was condemned to remain in the Force for the rest of my life .
9 I had to live with myself for the rest of my life .
10 I would be on my bike for the rest of my life , stuck on the stopping train to nowhere .
11 It would be a pity , but I have a lifetime exemption at Augusta , I can play in the tournament for the rest of my life . ’
12 ‘ Shall not I be chained like a prisoner to a child for the rest of my life ?
13 And it 's something I 'll remember for the rest of my life .
14 I realized a long time ago why you were so set on Charlie and me marrying , and I 'm very fond of him , and I 'd like to go on living at Lady Mead for the rest of my life .
15 ‘ I will never understand this for the rest of my life .
16 ‘ And if I have to pay up for the Mercedes at £1 a week for the rest of my life then that 's what I will do . ’
17 ‘ This is something which will haunt me for the rest of my life .
18 Thus it was that , as I was wheeled perspiring into the editor 's office , that the first words ever spoken to me by an NME bigwig will remain with me for the rest of my life .
19 If I 'd become known as the Man In The Pyjamas , I 'd have to wear those pyjamas for the rest of my life !
20 I suppose I had persuaded myself that sending men to prison was n't something I cared to do for the rest of my life .
21 In terms of sheer inhumanity , one incident in August will remain stamped on my mind for the rest of my life .
22 You aroused an interest for me in literature which has been a resource to me for the rest of my life and a source of real enjoyment .
23 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
24 I thus started a relationship with that country that has been constantly rewarding for the rest of my life , and indeed I now regard it almost as my second homeland .
25 As for snooker , well , to approach the televisual ideal , by which we all measure ourselves , I 'd have to do nothing else for the rest of my life .
26 But it 's all for the rest of my life , an important fact for me , and to say , OK , I do n't need it any more , it has to be a very strong and bad change inside Kirov , I will be so upset or so unoptimistic or so helpless that I will feel I can not do anything more .
27 Can I really expect her to do that for the rest of my life ? ’
28 " Will I be wearing it round my neck like a cow-bell for the rest of my life ? " — and she rushed up the spiral steps to her room , to tell herself that she hated João , and Portugal , and even her own mother .
29 I 'd have to live with that for the rest of my life . ’
30 If I was n't able to admit it to some old woman I 'd never see again and who did n't matter a scrap to me , how was I going to face it out for the rest of my life ?
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