Example sentences of "[prep] the world council of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We have seen the growth of extra church bureaucracies such as the World Council of Churches , and the bureaucratisation of churches themselves .
2 There are also many Christians , especially in Latin America , and associated with international bodies such as the World Council of Churches , who are actively involved in dialogue with Marxists and who see no fundamental conflict between Christianity and Marxism .
3 A meeting was held in Delhi , during 1961 , between the World Council of Churches and the Russian Orthodox Church , with representatives of the Roman Catholic Church present as observers .
4 Thirdly , we will in a moment be hearing a report erm , about the World Council of Churches assembly which took place in Canberra so there is another aspect to the World Church hitting our agenda today .
5 In far away Haiti a young black Methodist minister , Philip Potter , who would one day be Secretary of the World Council of Churches , mulled over the book as he struggled with villainy in a very poor and very sad land .
6 The most important of these was at Amsterdam for the first meeting of the World Council of Churches 1948 .
7 Birch is an ebullient polymath , a former professor of biology at the University of Sydney , no mean theologian , a philosopher and devotee of A. N. Whitehead , a distinguished member of the World Council of Churches , a raconteur , an activist in a multitude of good causes , and one of last year 's recipients of the Templeton Prize , the most prestigious and valuable prize in the world for progress in religion .
8 Stannard 's treatment is not entirely new , rather he is usefully conveying elements of some recent trends in Christian theology which take science very seriously while preserving the realities of faith ( one thinks of the writings of Tom Torrance , Stanley Jaki , Arthur Peacocke , the meetings of the UK science and Faith Forum , and of the World Council of Churches 's programme on faith and science ) .
9 This need from proclamation is expressed with sensitivity in section three of the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelism Report ( Melbourne May 12–24 , 1980 ) The Church Witnesses to the Kingdom , in the following paragraph :
10 This is a programme of the World Council of Churches and is based in Geneva , Switzerland .
11 Ms Kemppi was previously Senior Press Officer in the News and Information Office of the World Council of Churches ' Communication Department .
12 The local office of the World Council of Churches runs a refugee camp for displaced Kampucheans and is struggling to meet their basic needs .
13 The newsletter is edited by Andrea Rivera Cano , former Vice-Chairperson of WACC 's North American Region , who recently left her position as Communications Director of the World Council of Churches ' New York office to work with CLAI at their headquarters in Quito , Ecuador .
14 A book , edited by Hans-Ruedi Weber ( until recently of the World Council of Churches ) , On a Friday Noon , shows illustrations of Christ crucified , drawn from all cultures and times in history .
15 These activities led in turn to further meetings at Lambeth Palace in January and March 1938 , to consider the formation of a British section of the World Council of Churches ; in September , he was at a meeting of the Council on the Christian Faith and the Common Life .
16 When the men of the World Council of Churches in Geneva heard Arthur was at Caux they phoned him to come and tell them the truth about Rhodesia .
17 And then we have a member from Wales on the Central Council of the World Council of Churches , Miss Carole who er , although she is from Wales , member of the church of Wales she now lives in Belfast .
18 Some of us , some of us tried to make a plea and I hope we will try , still try to make a plea that there should be a significant Roman Catholic er , element within the membership of the World Council of Churches in the future .
19 ‘ Do n't you think that had more to do with the World Council of nations assuming power and nationalising religion … ? ’
20 The Reverend Théo Buss , French language press officer with the World Council of Churches ' Communication Department , and editor of its publications SOEPI and Mensuel , is leaving the WCC to become pastor of a parish of Switzerland 's national Protestant Church .
21 He wrote an article in this month 's issue suggesting that MRA is linked with the World Council of Churches and the Fabian Society .
22 Think of the fact that there are over three hundred member churches in the World Council of Churches !
23 Can I also say that , er yes , we were badly served by the press but I think that er the onus now is on those of us who went to Canberra to be able to share with others and we have been going round to tell others about Canberra to share with you and with others the experience of being present in the World Council of Churches in Canberra .
24 Also , that the churches at home , of whatever church or denomination we are to be they also can own , not just in the World Council of Churches .
25 Life Styles is the response of the union 's Christian citizenship department to the World Council of Churches ' disintegration on Justice , Peace and the Integrity of Creation .
26 During the , the fortnight in which we met in Canberra eight hundred and twenty six of us were official delegates er , to the World Council of Churches .
27 A seminar on ‘ Communication Education in Ministerial Formation ’ will be held from 30 April to 7 May 1992 at the World Council of Churches ' Ecumenical Institute in Bossey , Switzerland .
28 This programme of study and action should be understood to be part of the wider conciliar process for Justice , Peace and Integrity of Creation , which was initiated by the World Council of Churches .
29 His meetings were arranged by the World Council of Churches which is one of the few non-government organisations represented in the country .
30 Although the Ecumenical Decade was launched by the World Council of Churches four years ago , many women feel that the churches have failed to take it seriously and have shown little commitment to the theme .
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