Example sentences of "[prep] the court of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Windsor whose marriage has caused more intrigue than most poked fun at the speculation with his light-hearted remarks as president of the Court of Governors of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre .
2 She was co-opted to the Glamorgan county education committee , and became a member of the court of governors of the University of Wales .
3 THE president of the Court of Governors of the University College of Wales , Aberystwyth , Sir Melvyn Rosser , has joined the board of Menter a Busnes , the agency that aims to make Welsh speakers more enterprising in business .
4 Because of the existence of PACs and of the Court of Referees for benefits under the insurance schemes , the new national scheme included an appeals system .
5 So we read in the minutes of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Weavers , London , for Tuesday 2 January 1798 : ‘ William Chas .
6 Minutes of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Weavers , Basinghall Street , London , 2 January , 1798 .
7 In People v. Rosario ( 1961 ) 213 N.Y.S. 2d 448 four members of the Court of Appeals of New York , adopting the view of the United States Supreme Court in Jencks v. United States ( 1957 ) 353 U.S. 657 , ruled that the entire previous statements of prosecution witnesses ought to be shown to defence counsel after the direct examination with a view to his cross-examining those witnesses and attacking their credibility , saying that counsel were best able to decide what use could be made of the statements , whereas three members of the court took a narrower view and , following the line of authority which had hitherto prevailed in New York , held that defence counsel could examine and use only those portions of a statement which , according to the view of the trial judge , contained variances from a witness 's evidence .
8 The most recent , involving the claim that his mental state might not have been adequately conveyed to the jury during his original trial , had been upheld by Judge John Noonan of the Court of Appeals of the ninth US Circuit based in San Francisco , on March 30 , 1990 .
9 On Feb. 7 , 1990 , Bush nominated Clarence Thomas , 41 , a black conservative lawyer , as judge of the Court of Appeals in Washington .
10 In 1922 Sidney Webb wrote that the lords of the level of Romney Marsh , who had inspired the founding of the courts of sewers in 1258 , still remained unreformed themselves , an ancient relic of pre-statutory local government .
11 However , the Supreme Court in Aérospatiale , like the Court of Appeals in Re Anschuetz , saw a place for comity analysis , as was urged upon it by several of the briefs including that of the United Kingdom Government .
12 Jeyaretnam finally withdrew his case from the Court of Appeals on the grounds that the Attorney General had failed to respond to his proposal that the case be appealed to the Privy Council .
13 After the Dissolution of the Monasteries , the Goldsmiths had in 1538 already sued in the Court of Augmentations for the wills and bequests of Sir Edmond and Sir Bartholomew Read .
14 In 1755 he was elected to the court of directors of the East India Company .
15 Charles I 's government gave the bishops its firm backing on this issue ; when the parishioners of St Gregory 's in London appealed to the Court of Arches against a directive from the dean and chapter of St Paul 's Cathedral concerning the position of their communion table , no less a body than the privy council itself intervened with an order in favour of the ecclesiastical authorities .
16 His talents , his wealth , and the changing times raised him to the court of assistants of the Levant Company from 1644 to 1648 , and in 1645 Parliament appointed him to the Goldsmiths ' Hall committee , through which Royalists redeemed their sequestrated estates by paying compositions .
17 The Court reversed a ruling by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit by adjudging that Zacarias was not protected by the 1980 Refugee Act which required aliens seeking asylum to demonstrate " a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race , religion , nationality , membership of a particular social group or political opinion " [ see pp. 30411 ; 34541 ] .
18 The majority of the court , while dismissing many of the arguments that had found favour in Re Anschuetz and earlier cases , did little to advance the position from that reached by the Court of Appeals in Re Anschuetz .
19 ‘ The audit function should be carried out by the Court of Auditors in a similar way to that adopted by the principal auditor of a multinational group of companies which has a number of foreign subsidiary companies .
20 Supervision is the process of the laying down by the courts of guidelines for the development of legal principles .
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