Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] that makes [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that makes his account so useful — so much more than the anecdotal triviality of which he is so carelessly accused — is his ability to compare and contrast this informal repair work with the formal structures of explicit legal process .
2 It 's based on the two fingered symbol of peace , and although it was originally designed for lead guitars I eventually scaled it up to use on my basses ; it 's one of the features that makes them instantly recognisable . ’
3 That 's about ten pounds for every one of the wrinkles that makes them so distinctive .
4 Hobbes ' solution was , order must be imposed on a recalcitrant human nature , to make society possible , Rousseau 's theory was , if only people could be liberated from the things that makes them selfish , selfish and anti-social , they would come together in a natural social contract , where individuals would spontaneously give up their freedom , in order to gain the benefits of social cooperation , and Rousseau 's view was , if only people were , were fully rational , and could free themselves from the unfortunate effects of , of er civilization , they would enter into a state of erm , perfect society in which they could er , associate er without the , the necessity of things like the state or or whatever .
5 It is caused by a loss of calcium in the bones that makes them become softer , porous and weaker .
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