Example sentences of "[prep] be held in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 13 Platoon had subsequently been tasked with providing the security for the funeral , which was to be held in a small village near Strabane .
2 Sitting today at Warwick Crown Court the judge oprdered Bopurgois to be held in a mental hoispital without limit of time .
3 During this time various encoding operations may be performed upon the stored information which enables some representation of the stimulus to be held in a short term memory store , after which it either drops out or is transferred into some other more durable store .
4 One evening at Pack Meeting Beegee , which was the name the Pack had made up for their Guider out of the initial letters B and G of Brownie Guider , told the Brownies that the County Girl Guides ' Fete was to be held in a few weeks ' time in Morley Park and that the 3rd Shortfields Pack must think what to do to help make the fete a huge success .
5 The sale was to be held in a large country house some eight miles away .
6 Pointers will enable a file to be held in a single location rather than separate copies being spread around the system .
7 Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley has now given council chiefs permission for him to be held in a secure unit .
8 Amsterdam attendance figures were higher , at 445,000 , while for Berlin 's Gemäldegalerie , where the exhibition was the first major show to be held in a united Germany , visitors reached 330,000 in two months .
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