Example sentences of "[prep] whom he [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His third cricket book , on the Australians of 1948 , with whom he is imperishably associated , was ‘ To my father , who knows nothing about cricket and cares less , but who was very good to me . ’
2 In the chapter ‘ On the Duties of Persons Engaged in Trade and Business ’ in his Enquiry into the Duties of Men in the Higher and Middle Classes of Society in Great Britain , he said the foundations of a trader 's credit were ‘ property , integrity , punctuality , industry , prudence , openness in dealing , freedom from extravagance , from a spirit of wild speculation and from vice , and the character of the partners and of others with whom he is closely connected . ’
3 Then Dr Himes and Nick Jelley , with whom he is now working in Oxford , repeated Dr Simpson 's sulphur experiment with a more carefully conceived piece of apparatus and new calculations about sources of error .
4 With a string of southern primaries due in March , Clinton remained the overall favourite for the nomination ; the conventional wisdom was that Tsongas could not generate sufficient appeal outside New England , and — given the 1988 fate of Michael Dukakis , a Massachusetts liberal ( also of Greek ethnic origin ) with whom he was frequently compared — would be unelectable as President even if he did secure the nomination .
5 His life changes as he is drawn into a dangerous aura of incestuous relations surrounding the director and his beautiful sister Jenny ( Liza Walker ) to whom he is immediately drawn .
6 The English masters he served so well , and to whom he was universally known as ‘ Signor Fixit ’ , were conspicuous by their absence .
7 I was the only woman to whom he was sufficiently drawn ; and he chose , out of fear , to humiliate me .
8 Like Napoleon , to whom he was often likened , Chapman was the organizer of victory .
9 The principle of self-determination enunciated by America 's President Woodrow Wilson as the basis for the peace conference in Paris in 1918 , led to the request of senior Egyptians led by Sa'ad Zaghlul that a Wafd ( delegation ) be sent to represent Egypt , Zaghulul was of peasant background and was a charismatic figure with great appeal to the public , among whom he was popularly known as al zaim , the leader .
10 He was dedicated to his work and to his men , by whom he was much respected for his design and organizing ability and for his fairness and kindness in cases of individual hardship .
11 Whilst he was a firm disciplinarian he had the reputation of being scrupulously fair in dealing with his men , by whom he was much respected .
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