Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] and give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The architect and his wife would put Eric up for the night and give us both a delicious dinner , the Signora exercising just the degree of chaperonage that was considered desirable at that time .
2 A book covering the area you 're interested in will tell you about the terrain and give you an idea as to whether or not your walking companions will be physically able to tackle the route(s) .
3 I used to have to go back up , after the supper and give her the and I had to go back up and turn London 's Burning on then I used to have to go back up to turn it off
4 He 'll take you safely out of the country and give you a hundred thousand pounds . ’
5 Soon she will come out of the shed and give her orders .
6 All I considered necessary was to simplify the design of the icon and give it a different colour scheme .
7 Hop on over to the end of the road and give her a tinkle .
8 give her the benefit of the doubt and give her a fair chance .
9 The Driver in the case of a light engine then goes to the telephone to inform the Signalman each end of the tunnel and give them all particulars and if blocking both lines .
10 Do n't forget that it gives us another chance to make progress in Europe this season ; success for Linfield and of course Crusaders may yet lift us away from the bottom of the ladder and give us a chance of avoiding those detested preliminary rounds .
11 But then , it 's a big difference between skiing abroad and you know , like staying somewhere like Cyprus skiing in Scotland , it 's true , but I mean , it 's like the first , I mean , my dad 's typical , sort of , get to the top of the hill and give you a good shove , you know , give you one time to go down a bit slowly and then after that you just get to the top ski downhill phhhh .
12 They take hold of the club and give it a few waggles .
13 From the penalty spot , Rook drove into the corner for his second of the game and give his side a passage into the next round , a defeat that sees City 's interest in Cup games at an end for this season .
14 Encourage her to ‘ help ’ you with the baby and give her plenty of praise while she is doing it .
15 The policy is to educate pupils to cope with the technology and give them the opportunity to exploit it in their future work and leisure .
16 erm Rusty in the fact that erm we have n't been able to sort of erm get out on the field with a ball in our hand , erm but erm our coach erm Ian McMillan has taken the opportunity to drag us into the gym and give us quite erm hard fitness sessions , so the fitness is still erm quite high on our side , but erm handling the ball will be a little bit rusty , but hopefully this week , now all the snow 's gone , we 'll be able to get out and erm move the ball about at training .
17 As he had nothing to do , he tried to melt into the background and give his own eyes a chance .
18 In these cases , either assist the foal to get to its feet or if necessary , milk the colostrum from the mare and give it to the foal using a rubber teat and a bottle .
19 It 's not always possible in London but a short walk might well get you away from the crown and give you a chance to loosen up your legs , contemplate the last few hours and consider how your body is feeling in general .
20 ‘ Put them in the interview-room and give them a cup of tea .
21 We need a win to restore our pride in the competition and give us a boost for Saturday 's game against Peterborough . ’
22 Membership of a professional organisation and a relevant forum or interest group will help to keep you informed of developments in the field and give you access to study days .
23 Well no just screaming at the top of his voice , our Ben had to bring him down in the end and give him a drink and start again , even then I had to stay with him until he went to sleep
24 If a witness is reluctant to come to court you need to consider whether their enforced presence will be counterproductive , but most witnesses will accept the situation in the end and give their evidence in good faith .
25 ‘ Shall I come over first thing in the morning and give you a hand ?
26 Yeah , he comes round to give me a clip round the ear and give me hassle .
27 Jason says that you can take any group down the course and give them a thrill you do n't have to be good and special needs groups such as blind people can also have a go …
29 Sticking her head out of the door , she summoned a nurse and got her to take the young man 's parents back to the interview-room and give them a cup of tea .
30 Right , sit down on the bed and give me your legs . ’
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