Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] wales [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Overall , however , the work done by Box and Hale for England and Wales suggests that after controlling for other relevant variables , rising levels of unemployment have been associated with the increased use of imprisonment .
2 Soil structure has declined so much that in 1984 The Soil Survey of England and Wales calculated that 44 per cent of UK arable land was vulnerable to erosion .
3 Reiner 's ( 1989 ) interviews with thirty-nine chief constables in England and Wales revealed that most regarded their authority as ‘ useful sounding boards ’ , but were prepared to go against their recommendations if it suited them .
4 Studies of rape in England and Wales suggest that two-thirds of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender , and that only one-third involve strangers ; that two-fifths of victims suffer physical violence as well as rape , and one-sixth suffer additional sexual indignities ; that recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of rapes between acquaintances , and that rapes are increasing a little in their intrinsic seriousness ( i.e. in terms of the violence used , other sexual acts , etc ) , but that the most significant rise has been in the average length of sentences imposed on rapists by the courts .
5 The privatisation of the electricity supply in England and Wales means that power companies must compete fiercely over the supply of power to the national grid .
6 I hope that it will not be as bad as I fear , but experience of the National Bus Company in England and Wales shows that it was worse than we feared .
7 Solicitors may set up a corporate practice to practice solely outside England and Wales provided that ( a ) this is permitted by local law , ( b ) all the directors and shareholders are solicitors , lawyers of another jurisdiction or members of the Bar of England and Wales acting in accordance with the Overseas Practice Rules of the Bar and ( c ) the practice complies with the Overseas Practice Rules ; but such a company could not practice in England and Wales .
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