Example sentences of "[prep] [art] sense [that] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The leaf area/weight was as efficient in the sense that it took about the same time to detect comparable differences .
2 Er there 's another book which is similar to the other one in the sense that it made up of some papers by Phillips , Steel and Tants and that has some information about Mexicano in it , er and you find that some people er were giving Mexican language a low a low prestige rate whereas other group in the community were doing the opposite and giving a high prestige rate or certainly a less low one , er in favour of spanish a lot of the Because it was in I think it 's in South America I guess , er you find that a lot of the locals were switching to spanish because it was coming the dominant language er because of societal pressures and constraints and so on .
3 Yet even when a person maintains the principle of non-violence , as Gandhi does , it is absolute only in the sense that it informs the spirit and circumstances in which acts of violence are done , and not in the sense that it constitutes a rule which permits no exceptions .
4 A rejection of an ideal or principle is involved only if , when considering the relation of a man to his acts , his principle or ideal is regarded as absolute in the sense that it constitutes an infallible guide to human conduct , or if it is conceived of as a maxim in the Kantian sense and provides the reason a man might have for thinking it worthwhile for him to act morally .
5 … the cliché is not necessarily just something banal , in the sense that it occurs frequently , though it is that too : a cliché is a convenient falsification .
6 Thus , even where a sexual assault involves no significant physical force , it constitutes harm in the sense that it invades a deeply personal zone , gaining non-consensually that which should only be shared consensually .
7 Ryszard Gajewski , the administrator in charge of basic energy research , was enthusiastic : ‘ The work was promising in the sense that it identified a new way of effecting nuclear fusion even though there was no strong indication that it might be practical . ’
8 was not regarded as a political issue in the sense that it had an important place on the agenda of party politics .
9 It seems to me that the court itself had a right of custody at this time in the sense that it had the right to determine the child 's place of residence , and it was in breach of that right that the mother removed the child from its place of habitual residence .
10 The ‘ historical avant-garde ’ of the 1920s — especially Dada and surrealism , but also constructivism , De Stijl , the Bauhaus , and Neue Sachlichkeit — was postmodern in the sense that it constituted a radical attack on the autonomy , on the aura , of the aesthetic .
11 It ‘ is more dynamic , not in the sense that it expresses movement ( which a noun can also express ) but because it creates more activity between the words of the sentence in which it is used ’ ( 1955a:75 ) .
12 THIS ALBUM 'S predecessor , ‘ The Psychedelic Years ’ , was possibly the best compilation album ever , in the sense that it contained the best songs by the best bands in its field of reference ; in fact , it seemed to have all the good songs that came out of psychedelia ( It also had The Incredible String Band , but presumably only as a sorbet to clear the palate .
13 It is highly technical not just in the sense that it involves computer technology but also because it is totally based in the area of printing .
14 This work complements that of the anthropologists in the sense that it uses a cross-cultural perspective to study the thinking processes of different social groups within the researcher 's own society .
15 Far more significant and revelatory was the arrival of the wireless , in the sense that it meant for the first time the voice of the outside world and all that it encompassed — good and bad — was heard throughout this enclosed community .
16 These are wishes of the ego , and they 're gratified in the illusion of religion , but as we 've also seen , Freud erm , notices even though he does n't comment , that the illusion of religion is pro-social , in the sense that it maintains social order , systems and morality , and so on .
17 Firstly , the Forum programme is global in the sense that it takes place in all the regions .
18 I mean , I mean I 'm sure it 's useful in the sense that it gets one person through er doing a degree who could n't have done it otherwise , but whether it would actually give you the sort of experience you want , I 'm much more doubtful .
19 However , in the world of Orwell 's 1984 there may be people who although sure that the events abolished by official historiography did happen , are not so sure that the experiences treasured in memory keep the value which official propaganda degrades ; they might be happier for the assurance that , in the sense that it remains true that an event happened even if universally forgotten an experience remains good even if in universally shrinking awareness there will never again be anyone capable of appreciating it .
20 Entitled Challenge , it ‘ will be progressive in the sense that it understands Christian faith to be of necessity a commitment to the cause of all who are oppressed , discriminated against or unjustly treated . ’
21 The return to ‘ free markets ’ by 1955 is generally viewed as permissive in the sense that it resulted from the removal of the remainder of war and postwar restrictions .
22 While neutral language may be less overtly offensive than the kind it replaces , there is reason to suppose that it is often ineffective , in the sense that it does not really bring women into people 's mental landscape at all .
23 Thus , if all the infinities in supergravity turn out to cancel each other out , we could have a theory that not only filly unifies all the matter particles and interactions , but that is complete in the sense that it does not have any undetermined renormalization parameters .
24 it , it , it it is unconventional in the sense that it does n't
25 However , her categorisation is unprincipled in the sense that it does not really relate types of metaphor to each other , and is thus no more than a typology of poetic examples .
26 Whilst it rendered the monarch formally subordinate to Parliament in the sense that it became acknowledged that , at the end of the day , the will of Parliament was to prevail , it failed to provide adequately and efficiently for the discharge of executive government .
27 Easier , in the sense that it bans Germanic tricks to limit the transfer of ownership ; but more difficult by requiring an offer to be made to all shareholders at the same price , once a firm has accumulated 30% of the shares .
28 Perhaps , and perhaps contentiously , it was because the general insurrection had not taken place at this time : at least not in the sense that it involved trial by battle .
29 The presence of maids obviates any need for husbands to undertake traditionally female tasks and so , while a woman following her career does challenge a husband 's machismo in the sense that it gives her some independence ( both economically and socially ) , it does not do so in the sense of changing his role in the home .
30 In a way this was not such a radically different view from Mannheim 's because the sociology of knowledge was sociologism in the sense that it held that truth was only ‘ true ‘ for ’ certain groups of men ’ ( Grunwald 1970 : 238 ) .
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