Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] all [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lewis 's and Blackler 's burnt out , and Lime Street — you ca n't hardly move for the hosepipes all over the ground . ’
2 The British Army has provided troops for the UN all over the world .
3 And so well I did n't like what he was doing but at any rate it happened on Sunday morning er , somebody read the lesson and it was Saint , Saint John and there were chapters and of course it was skipping about the verses all over the place , you just got fed up with verses .
4 She strode through the newspapers all over the floor , some of them with dates from the thirties , even the war .
5 A light touch and not even a mouse could have scuttled through that ballroom without setting off the alarm all over the house — and the city .
6 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
7 Once the beer can had been invented , that is evolved , in one place , it was inevitable that it would eventually take the place of the bottle all over the world , though the process is still going on .
8 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
9 I would now ask for very small helpings , eat perhaps a mouthful , and then smear the rest of the food all over the plate , hiding the residue underneath an upturned fork .
10 Unless we start pasting bits of the script all over the set .
11 erm , and a lot of them training , but unless you can actually erm , increase their confidence , and that is the attitude of the people all over the place .
12 You ca n't please all of the people all of the time .
13 In his role as the world 's Central Banker , a position bestowed on him by the dollar 's reserve currency status , he can not please all of the people all of the time .
14 Naturally the next field in which to try out this half-truth was politics , where people have been trying since the time of Demosthenes to fool all of the people all of the time .
15 It believes that ‘ fooling all of the people all of the time ’ is entirely possible when the product or service is interesting or persuasive enough .
16 Whatever the outcome , one thing is clear : where new roads are concerned , you can not please all of the people all of the time .
17 So some unscrupulous drug dealers are still trying to pass Ketamine off as E. Others , no doubt working on the basis that you ca n't fool all of the people all of the time , have thought ahead and worked out a clever marketing strategy .
18 Teachers who listen to all the conflicting noises that are made about education by the pundits will inevitably feel ( quite apart from their own ideals ) that there is no pleasing all of the people all of the time .
19 None of these methods will ease all of the people all of the time .
20 ‘ Well , you know the saying : ‘ You ca n't please all of the people all of the time , just some of the people some of the time . ’
21 We strive to please some of the people all of the time . ’
22 Like many of the gentry all over the country , he was convinced that the wound now bleeding Christendom might yet be healed , and the Church , the Body of Christ , made whole ; so when he gave sanctuary to young men on their way to train as priests in France , or secret agents from Spain or Ireland , he did so believing that he was acting in the best interests of his country , claiming that if anyone was a traitor it was the ardent puritans like Walsingham and Drake , who by their political manoeuvrings and piratical attacks on Spanish merchantmen were pushing the Queen remorselessly into a confrontation with King Philip of Spain .
23 She erm lived in a rented room in a settlement house in New York and she really provided the , the energy of the movement all over the country .
24 Digging up the road all over the place .
25 The indigenous people who live in the forests all around the world have been murdered , terrorised and driven from their land by greedy developers .
26 I do n't know who composed the ballads , which could be heard sung in the streets all over the place .
27 It is shown in the priority all round the department , .
28 It is in the shops all round the world within two weeks of being recorded in Detroit and re-mixed in LA .
29 This can be avoided , however , by ensuring plenty of cross ventilation in the roof all round the eaves and at the gable ends by means of visible gaps , air bricks or ventilators .
30 Where the inner band had stuck to the hair all around the sides and back , she had to chop the hair off right to the skin so that he finished up with a bald white ring round his head , like some sort of a monk .
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