Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] from patient [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , sections of liver tissues from patients without serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection were stained using the identical techniques as negative controls .
2 Recent studies of resection specimens from patients with Crohn 's disease have shown inflammatory microvascular occlusion , apparently secondary to mesenteric vasculitis .
3 A reduced short chain fatty acid concentration has also been reported in pouch contents from patients with pouchitis compared with those without .
4 For further characterisation of the platelet aggregation molecules , platelet activating factor extracted from biopsy specimens from patients with Crohn 's disease was pooled , dried and eluted on high performance liquid chromatography .
5 Gastric metaplasia or the appearance of patches of gastric type mucous cells interspersed between the duodenal epithelial cells , is a common finding in biopsy specimens from patients with duodenitis and duodenal ulcer disease .
6 In vitro effects of cytokines and therapeutic drugs on antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity ( ADCC ) mediated by anticolon antibody were investigated in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis .
7 Circulating anticolon antibodies have been found in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis .
8 Anticolon activities measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) were 0.918 ( 0.281 ) ( optical densities ) in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis and 0.466 ( 0.144 ) in control samples .
10 Pancreatic and synovial type phospholipases A2 in serum samples from patients with severe acute pancreatitis
11 The concentration of immunoreactive pancreatic PLA2 in serum is also increased , but this increase only partly explains the abnormal catalytic activity of PLA2 in serum samples from patients with acute pancreatitis .
12 The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence of group I and group II PLA2s in serum samples from patients with acute pancreatitis .
13 The Figure shows the time courses of syn-PLA2 , cat-PLA2 , and pan-PLA2 in serum samples from patients with oedematous or necrotising episodes of acute pancreatitis .
14 In 1961 Zieve and Vogel reported increased lecithinase A ( phospholipase A2 ) activities in serum samples from patients with acute pancreatitis .
15 Ourselves and others have recently found , by new immunoassays , increased concentrations of syn-PLA2 in serum samples from patients with septic fever and infections .
16 The cellular source of group II PLA2 found in serum samples from patients with acute pancreatitis and other inflammatory diseases remains unknown .
17 Only focal immunostaining for ET-1 was seen in lung sections from patients with focal non-specific fibrosis ( E ) .
18 This technique has been successfully applied to lung washings from patients with sarcoidosis , and M tuberculosis DNA was detected in half of the samples .
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