Example sentences of "[prep] [be] associated [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The presence of antibody to the human derived epitope GOR has been reported to be associated with chronic hepatitis C virus infection .
2 It also appears to be a cause of traveller 's diarrhoea in early childhood , as reported in older children and adults , and to be associated with chronic diarrhoea in such circumstances .
3 Those who start off their married life in shared accommodation or in the local authority sector were more likely to experience marital breakdown later , even if other factors known to be associated with marital breakdown , such as age at marriage and childbearing patterns , are controlled for ; this excess risk for tenants being of the order of 30 per cent greater than for owner-occupiers ( Thornes and Collard , 1979 ; Murphy , 1985 , Table 7 ) .
4 In International Relations , however , a further step is usually taken , in that ‘ Positivism ’ tends to be associated with quantitative analysis .
5 Conclusions about coping responses which have a protective effect against a wide range of events are more easily obtained when the events are likely to be associated with acute anxiety and fear rather than depression ( e.g. Jaremko , 1983 ) .
6 SIR , — Pneumothorax has been shown to be associated with intracranial haemorrhage in the newborn .
7 Paternal care tends to be associated with external fertilization , maternal care with internal fertilization .
8 Many of the techniques that came to be associated with variable analysis , the survey , cross-tabulation , indicators , covariation , to mention but a few , were not all invented by Lazarsfeld and his co-workers , though a number were , but begged , borrowed and stolen , from a variety of other fields and brought together as a distinctive and integrated way of constituting a theoretically informed and theoretically consequential empirical social research approach .
9 A depletion of transmitters is therefore likely to be associated with impaired performance and to render the organism more vulnerable to frustration , loss and other life stresses that are expected to increase adaptive demands .
10 Thus , while middle-class women are more likely to object to the label ‘ housewife ’ on grounds of its low status , there is a general tendency for downward mobility on the status dimension — from paid work to the job of housewife — to be associated with present dissatisfaction .
11 This hypothesis is compatible with earlier results and with a study of hypertensive patients with high renin profiles , a condition likely to be associated with increased angiotensin II , who were found to be at higher risk of coronary heart disease than those with low renin profiles .
12 Matrilineal descent systems seem to develop only occasionally in human cultures and to be associated with female ownership of primary resources such as land ( see p. 205 ) .
13 On balance then , familial sinistrality seems to be associated with bilateral representation of non-verbal as well as verbal functions .
14 However , taken over such a large area , it is undoubtedly the case that Whites have higher socio-economic status than Blacks , and since social deprivation tends to be associated with criminal behaviour it is not surprising to find Blacks are over-represented among those arrested .
15 Early in 1066 they were reluctant to accept Harold Godwinsson as their new king , and he and Bishop Wulfstan II of Worcester had to visit York to conciliate them , whereupon the Northumbrians overcame their reluctance to be associated with southern softness — an attitude not uncommon in the north even today .
16 On the basis of the mammalian fauna , the hominoids appear to be associated with tropical forest , albeit a dry seasonal and probably deciduous forest .
17 Finally , it is worth dwelling briefly on the role that users play in the innovation process , and on the factors which seem to be associated with successful innovation , since these are considerations which help to determine whether joint R&D activities need to be coupled with joint marketing to be successful .
18 High acidity of the duodenal contents has for a long time been found to be associated with gastric metaplasia , both in humans and in laboratory animals .
19 Hypopepsinogenaemia A has been found to be associated with gastric atrophy and gastrectomy .
20 The more turbulent and uncertain the environment , the greater the tendency for a high level performance to be associated with high differentiation among sub-units , coupled with effective integration achieved by means of shared information , flexible procedures and open decision-making .
21 Since XS junctions already have high twist before transition , all our calculations show B II states to be associated with high twist .
22 Remember that it is not unusual for strong winds to be associated with high pressure , although strong winds and gales are more frequently encountered in low pressure systems .
23 Reference to your own back issues would have quickly revealed onchocerciasis to be associated with running water with little , if any , pollution .
24 The clinical relevance of the risk factors identified by exploratory statistical testing in the present study should be confirmed in future , prospective studies of appropriate size but factors which were found not to be associated with slow healing can be presumed to be clinically unimportant .
25 There may be several reasons why seroconversion seems to be associated with bacterial pneumonia only among intravenous drug users and not among homosexual men .
26 The objects come in various shapes and usually , though not always , seem to be associated with nearby star .
27 Low birth weight has been reported to be associated with reduced lung function or with respiratory illness in children , adolescents , and adults .
28 Clozapine , for example , appears to be associated with reduced risk of relapse .
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