Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] around the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mark Bottomley is picking up the pieces of his life after being beaten around the head with a piece of scaffolding .
2 The women were all found in their own homes after being beaten around the head with a hammer .
3 After being shown around the factory , Mr Hunt said that as a father of four he had had cause to be thankful for the company 's products .
4 He liked to reverse the situation of being led around the ring , by grabbing with his teeth his owner 's arm by the cuff of her coat , and leading her around the ring instead .
5 In the work of Cézanne , where the outlines of objects are stressed again and again , and then as often broken , the eye , while conscious of the limitations of normal vision , has the sensation of being carried around the object beyond its boundaries .
6 And reciprocally , if memory formation requires the synthesis of proteins for the construction of synapses , then if one could stop the proteins from being synthesized around the time of learning then the memory should not be formed ; an animal trained on a task and prevented from synthesizing proteins should behave as if it has no memory for the task — is amnesic — when it is subsequently asked to perform it .
7 I was a bit worried about how the string-balance would work out on this guitar , since the pickup has to be bent around the corner on the Lowden 's split-saddle channel , but everything 's fine .
8 How did the boy come to be wandering around the surgery ?
9 A walkway is also to be constructed around the centre , passing Helen 's Tower in Clandeboye Estate , the last landmark the troops saw before leaving for the Somme .
10 Everyone thought there 'd be a roar of ribald laughter at that line if Puck happened to be hopping around the stage in plaster at the time . ’
11 With this faint translucent grey the face , pose and clothing were rapidly sketched from life in a free and speculative manner although care had to be exercised around the face where the tint of grey would also shade the flesh .
12 It 's a priest 's penitential chain to be worn around the waist against the skin .
13 The subject of the christening , in Gloucester Docks , was of course , a yacht , one of ten specially built to be raced around the world by amateurs .
14 The sensors control the pump — allowing water to be pumped around the system only when the temperature at the solar panel is higher than the temperature in the cylinder .
15 Hindus know the cosmic energy as the kundalini or serpent force , and this is said to be coiled around the base of the spine in every human being .
16 The pampered town cat , by contrast , is often seen to be prowling around the house like a caged tiger .
17 The present owners seemed to be living around the back of the house , beside junk-filled stables .
18 Food and medicine reached the eastern town of Zepa , but there was still no aid distribution in Sarajevo , despite a unilateral , nationwide cease-fire called by Bosnia 's Muslim president , Alija Izetbegovic , which appeared to be holding around the capital , although fighting was reported elsewhere in the country .
19 His tip was for handrails to be provided around the Laundry Building , to prevent people falling during routine maintenance access .
20 there is no doubt that this is not a publication to be left around the bedroom floor gathering foot prints and Coca-Cola stains , but then similar neither is it to lie moribund on the coffee table or in the display cabinet .
21 In Blue Peter tradition , Mr Kenneth Clarke might demonstrate how to further help your local hospital using items to be found around the home .
22 Around 60 per cent of active volcanoes are , in fact , to be found around the rim of the Pacific Ocean , with a third of these concentrated in Indonesia ( Fig. 5.2 ) .
23 There was , however , a technical difficulty in the path of litigants : because princes ' courts were peripatetic , they had to be pursued around the countryside , as Geoffrey le Preuil pursued Fulk le Réchin in 1093 ; and this fact offered a convenient excuse for those summoned by their lords as defendants in a case .
24 Both as a conscious decision , because of the business we do er need to be known around the area .
25 The list used to be issued around the hobby , but with the ever changing names and addresses of secretaries , this issue has ceased .
26 Before being taken to the platform , he was introduced to those members of the Committee who happened to be milling around the entrance .
27 FRAME causes a rectangle to be drawn around the map .
28 If a window mount is to be used around the picture , you must cut a thick mounting card marginally smaller than the inside measurement of the frame .
29 LSW seems to be advected around the North Atlantic with modification by mixing and by time changes at the LSW source .
30 Thursday is the date at the Lyric Theatre for another likely major Festival event and one that is likely , if it comes off , to be heralded around the world .
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