Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [be] said to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Results announced on Oct. 6 showed that 35 seats had been taken by outspoken critics of the government , described by the Washington Post as " drawn from a diverse group of Islamists , secular liberals and traditional politicians " , 15 of whom were said to be from districts which traditionally had supported the ruling family .
2 Some of them were said to be at least a hundred years old .
3 For instance , in South-Eastern fashion , I name that commodity the love of which is said to be the root of all evil as ‘ munny ’ ; my Birmingham friend calls it ‘ mon-ay . ’
4 Earlier the court had been shown a quantity of bricks and stones some of which were said to be bloodstained , and a heavy iron bar .
5 The enclosure movement gave us much of what is said to be the traditional English landscape .
6 Mr no doubt of what is said to be the divine preference for called three .
7 The row followed publication of what was said to be the Queen 's full message in The Sun newspaper .
8 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
9 Each one of us is said to be worth fifty thousand pounds of advertising per year to the tobacco companies . ’
10 All the appellants seek orders that , because of the Secretary of State 's failure to comply with what are said to be the requirements as I have set them out , the decisions made in relation to each of the appellants as to their respective tariffs should be quashed .
11 It seems that although English greenswards remained innocent of South Africans , score cards from agreed events were exchanged through the mails in what is said to be a contravention of the Gleneagles Agreement .
12 Thousands of demonstrators turned out in the streets of Bratislava last night in what was said to be the biggest demonstration there in decades .
13 Thousands of demonstrators turned out in the streets of Bratislava last night in what was said to be the biggest demonstration there in decades .
14 The correlation between a legal obligation on the one hand and a subjective right on the other admits of no exception ; as distinct from what is said to be the situation in municipal law , there are certainly no obligations incumbent on a subject which are not matched by an international subjective right of another subject or subjects , or even … of the totality of the other subjects of the law of nations .
15 At Burley Camp in Devon a crock of gold is said to be buried , but anyone who tries to dig for it is said to be scared away by thunder and lightning .
16 They had so few experienced seamen on board that an English prisoner was released from his chains to take the helm of one vessel during what was said to be the worst storm for 20 years .
17 As we mentioned in the first chapter of this book , egalitarian marriage is now widely promoted as an ideal , but recent research indicates that there is a wide gulf between what is said to be happening in terms of sharing in marriage and what actually happens .
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