Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] appear to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Immunization studies using irradiated sporozoites have indicated that responses to pre-erythrocytic-stage antigens , those expressed by sporozoites or liver-stage parasites , can provide complete immunity both in rodents and in humans , and that similar protective mechanisms , of which CTL appear to be an important component , may operate in each species .
2 Her mourning white was not as dazzling as her husband 's , and the downward turn of her mouth appeared to be the result of permanent , not recent , grief .
3 The drift of his argument appeared to be feminist .
4 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
5 In addition , the social workers in their study appeared to be more aware than the psychiatrists of the relevance of interpersonal and family problems , a clear advantage considering the importance of such social difficulties for these patients .
6 There are , however , a number of areas in which casualties appear to be moving against the downward trend .
7 As in the 1920s , Morocco provided the scenario in which Franco appeared to be endowed with a special mix of luck and divine protection — baraka as his Moroccan soldiers called it .
8 At Waddington , Tim Taylor has organised an exhibition of maquettes and drawings by Henry Moore ( 3 June-4 July ) at a time when international interest in his work appears to be reviving , with current exhibitions taking place in Sydney and in the Garden of the Bagatelles in Paris .
9 Then the rider relaxed his legs , the horse moved off into a working trot , the rider rising so much at one with the animal that he in his turn appeared to be performing a piaffe .
10 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
11 For him sex appeared to be a torture , where the only possibility of escape was marriage to unresponsive women .
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