Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adv] [adj] period of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had thought that the 1950s was a fairly stagnant , dull time which I could use as a sort of launch pad for the more interesting periods of post-Independence history .
2 The inclusion of such relatively unimportant details would have given Wellesley a more human frame during the most formative period of his life in India .
3 Both Celie and Ponyboy are fourteen when the books start and both books follow their main characters through the most eventful periods of their lives , expressing the main characters ' outlook on life , their feelings and most importantly , their own personal tragedies and joys .
4 Blenkin , for example , ( 1980 ) believes ‘ the most recent generation of teachers has worked through the most rapid period of curriculum development in the history of state education ’ ( p. 45 ) .
5 The typical applicant to the tribunal is a male , middle-aged , non-union manual worker dismissed after a relatively short period of service .
6 They will become tame enough after a relatively short period of time , to take food from your fingers .
7 After an immensely long period of feeble luminosity , the star loses the last of its light and heat , and becomes a cold , dead Black Dwarf .
8 Indeed , about a million years ago some species of primate — the forerunners of human beings — seemed to select out larger brains in one of the most explosive periods of evolutionary change ever to occur on Earth .
9 However , these surpluses or PSDR ( Public Sector Debt Repayment ) shrank rapidly after 1989 as government revenue suffered in the wake of the most protracted period of recession since the Inter-War years .
10 BARNHAM HALL was built at one of the most confusing periods of domestic architecture in England .
11 Little did we know that it would result in one of the most amazing periods of any of our lives — including David 's I 'm sure .
12 Before he took the trip to America , he had another film to make , during one of the most prolific periods of his career .
13 Of course ; the film was just one minuscule component of a particularly significant period of the last half-century , at a time when many millions of people still viewed film and pop stars as providers of some kind of visionary lead .
14 Like most such documents it was probably an exaggeration but it marked the approaching end of a peculiarly rich period of vitality in the county .
15 labour turnover is reduced , especially by keeping managers in their job for a reasonably lengthy period of time .
16 The LDP fear that an attempt to phase out whaling , even for a theoretically temporary period of a moratorium , would lose them the support of the fishing communities .
17 Now normal pre-linguistic human infants , for a relatively brief period of their development , share none of the conscious hopes , plans , and desires for a continuing life , of the mongoloid child .
18 require a commitment of organizational resources for a relatively short period of time
19 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
20 Yes , I I I I 've had these for a relatively short period of time .
21 If subject to stress for a sufficiently long period of time all ‘ solid ’ materials are capable of flow .
22 However , if gains are kept offshore for a sufficiently long period of time , the return on investment may exceed the increased capital gains tax liability .
23 On the other hand all modern anthropologists and archaeologists would agree with the view that for a very long period of history mankind has existed solely by hunting , fishing , and gathering , and that such a technological stage always precedes domestication of plants and animals .
24 One possibility would be a statutory reformulation of Rylands v. Fletcher shorn of the qualifications and defences which so emasculate it now , perhaps on the lines of the Restatement , which imposes strict liability on one who carries on an ‘ abnormally dangerous activity , ’ but this would be open to varying judicial inclinations and would give rise to considerable uncertainty for a very long period of time .
25 In these tests , two lines of obviously different lengths are exhibited for a very short period of time , and the subject has to say whether the right or the left line was the longer .
26 If the oil film breaks down momentarily for a very short period of time that little bit of carbon that four percent carbon in the cast iron will actually stop the aluminium sticking to the cylinder .
27 I know not , it may be that Mr is saying this is something that that never it 's never I 've never understood it to be er part of my practice or part of any solicitors practice to offer such a and if we have a solicitor er who has constantly practised in his skills for a very lengthy period of time , that is saying oh yes it is because this , as far as I 'm concerned , standard advice which solicitors should give to clients transactions .
28 Some general explanation is surely needed for such a wide distribution of such a unique facies during a comparatively short period of geological time .
29 Korea is an ancient country with a very lengthy period of having been governed as a unified area ( from AD 668 to 1945 ) .
30 By this time chartism had been dismantled ; with it went the first , and arguably last voice of mass working-class opposition to the state , and Britain entered into a relatively stable period of economic progress within a successfully reconstructed hegemony .
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