Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] i mean [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , er yes they were , they were er of course there was a great divide there I mean between the Liberals I mean they were the only two parties in those days .
2 between the ears I mean she 's a charming woman .
3 Cos they are quite tame , I mean that 's one thing about the hens I mean they ca n't come out though , they just wander about .
4 Even from er the quality of the brochure I mean you can see you know I mean that 's quite high level
5 Because at the end of the day I mean they 're building up a a set of rules .
6 Yeah well at the end of the day I mean I I was n't there but a the facts at the end of the day were that they 'd been buggering about with that radio system which they should n't do .
7 Only for a bloke actually it 's pretty easy , but for some of the girls I mean they sometimes has to false herself .
8 Talking of the whip I mean we 're only allowed to hit them five times over here .
9 Well I 'll wait here for a bit I mean you 'll queue at the others if I turn round .
10 Now if you come to Caldmore , you 'll find out then that the majority of the married ladies had worked in I mean I should say that erm I know my mother was very snooty she 'd been an apprentice to some dressmakers in Street and work for one year for nothing she always used to tell me , and she was quite er toffee- nosed about these girls that used that er that used to go , well they were very respectable people , and when I was a kid when I growing up in my teens a lot of the girls I used to know were in the offices at er it they employed about fifteen hundred people at in those days you know I mean coming out of at night it was fighting your way against the crowd if you were going towards it , and the same thing going through the square for people who have worked in when they left that 's why all those shops in the square used to do reasonably well , it was the people walking through to go up the other side of Walsall , but there was a crowd of people I can , I can always remember as a kid a crowd of people and then there 'd be well you can tell it was along Street in those days I can remember fruiters ' carts where the girls used to go and buy apples , and that all sort of going along there you know people used to wait for them coming out , these are my impressions as a kid I mean I can remember the , the er and the men of course were cutters and various people and a quite a lot of my father 's friends were , were er had er skilled jobs at as cutters and managers of the cutters ' department and that sort of thing .
11 Erm I can actually remember making ether as a practical I mean it 's something you would n't dare even think about doing now !
12 the only thing but I mean you know you accepted what he said and then went on and , and by using your picture with the , with the cheque I mean you had him eating out your hand at the end did n't you ?
13 By discussing reasons with the deputy I mean we had the meeting on public relations before Christmas and the scrutiny was promised and nothing 's happened erm , we still soldier on we 're not .
14 Well I never saw the sea on fire but f when we wen went into the sea I mean we were directly beneath the platform , and at that stage I mean the whole platform was on fire .
15 Er so I mean that c because er I mean they the steel balls and steel rollers go into the bin I mean they ca n't be used for anything .
16 Particularly when we 're trying to get juveniles into the club I mean they want to go at ten possibly you owe them not starting till
17 They 're their , their animals that 's all like that chicken up the garden I mean I do n't know what it 's in , might be in a run , but being the place that is in behind that shed , there ai n't that much space with a rabbit as well is there , you know , I mean , there might be a run on the floor , it 'll be crazy to have a run on the floor because she 's had rats
18 Yeah it wo n't I mean , that wo n't stay on for an hour I mean I 've literally had a hot bath put the water on , you know , af it goes off at nine o'clock in the morning put that radiator , put that button on to reset the hot water for five minutes it 's bo boilers lit up ten minutes and then it 's gone off
19 There 's things that we are doing like I 've been told by a couple of people this evening the autumn programme they think it 's very good very progressive very enjoyable I thi that that to me that reinforces the autumn programme by several people so people who here are people here this evening feel they we say something about what is n't on the agenda or what is on the agenda but I think that 's what the meetings for but I do n't think it 's a bad exercise to talk to the people who actually pay come in the building I mean I think that 's a valid exercise .
20 If you could pour some tea in the tea in the milk I mean I think I would like it .
21 Cos in the end I mean they 've got ta sell them ai n't they ?
22 Yes because in the summer I mean you , some time in the , in this next term would be the ideal thing really because that , if she can stay on for the summer term
23 I mean sh shame in the banks I mean we do n't get charges any charges from this bank , I mean if , if you er put it in some banks you get interest charge you on your cheques and all sorts of things , it , it 's as broad as it 's long usually but er I mean we are gon na accumulate money , I do n't think we should accumulate very much more now , we , we 've ample funds for everything we need er but it 's a question
24 And as far as in the appraisals I mean I found when I did the three s part staff and , and I was , it was that pilot and , and I know
25 In the media I mean I have n't seen much about it in the media .
26 But in a sense I mean I can erm I mean I agree with everything you 've said , erm but er when Murdoch took over the Sun I mean the Sun was selling , at one point was selling about four million copies which is
27 I mean for me I I 've gone beyond hoping in a way I mean it 's just a question of keeping going from week to week and I do n't know how to measure success .
28 And put it in bulk tanks you ken taking milk away down in a tank I mean we used to take it away in cans .
29 up and down the intervals I mean it is a bit of a muchness really .
30 Yes erm listening to the punters I mean I know loads of people come up here and there 's one thing which all of them tend to say and that this place is threatening .
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