Example sentences of "[noun sg] chairman [noun prp] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
2 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said he expects to ship the follow-on to Windows 3.1 , codenamed Chicago , in 1994 but declined to say at what point in the year the upgraded system will be launched : ‘ We should debunk any notion that Chicago is around the corner , ’ Gates told an audience of developers sponsored by Microsoft — ‘ All we can say is we expect it will be in 1994 and we 'll keep people in touch on that . ’
3 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates says he is working with Time Warner Inc to bring experimental two-way television to some 5,000 Florida homes by early 1994 , the Orlando Sentinel reported , adding that the two companies are working toward making such two-way systems more user-friendly ; Gates said that he studied several other experimental two-way television systems but chose the Orlando project because it seemed to offer the best interactive possibilities of ordering movies , making financial transactions and ‘ creating a computer window into the world of information ’ .
4 BARNET manager Barry Fry is expecting a phone call from club chairman Stan Flashman to tell him he is sacked .
5 Police committee Chairman Colin Hay said he does n't expect the new man to come up with instant solutions to the problem of rising crime :
6 Labour committee chairman Jim Skinner said he would be concerned by any further erosion of rail services .
7 AMA social services committee chairman Toby Harris said it confirmed the DoH viewed the changes through rose-tinted spectacles .
8 Parish council chairman Jack Holywell said it seems that the thieves are looking for the easy targets which they know will be left unguarded at night .
9 As she sat down , Turning Point chairman Ted Unsworth gave her a huge vote of confidence on behalf of all the charities .
10 Agents were pondering whether they should n't ‘ hang on to thee rights , and wait for the time when they 're equipped to sell them , ’ as conference chairman Tony Feldman put it later .
11 Then , characteristically , Virgin chairman Richard Branson announced he was undercutting his rivals ' new fares by £10 .
12 As Kingfisher chairman Geoff Mulcahy puts it : ‘ Opportunity 2000 in Kingfisher has helped us unlock rich reserves of talent among our employees , giving women opportunities and allowing us to make better economic use of our total workforce . ’
13 Mr Dodd 's case failed but Miss Shearer was successful although tribunal chairman Lionel Brown said she had contributed 50% to her dismissal .
14 Mr Dodd 's case failed , but Miss Shearer was successful although tribunal chairman Lionel Brown said she had contributed 50% to her dismissal .
15 Authority chairman Tony Russell said it still rejected all Mr Pink 's claims about conditions in the wards .
16 Cricket chairman Bob Gale asked him to put on a shirt bearing the sponsors name while photographs were being taken and Ramprakash asked whether that was a direct order .
17 PC World chairman Jan Murray reckons it was only a matter of time before PCs lost their premium product status and started being treated like any other commodity item .
18 ALA housing chairman Pete Challis said he would seek an assurance the Government will renew the Rough Sleeper 's initiative , the scheme to provide 15,000 hostel bed spaces , when it expires next year .
19 County party chairman Kees Maxey said he could not give the reasons why Mr Knight was rejected because the outcome was decided by a secret ballot .
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