Example sentences of "[noun sg] takes place [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At a time when HMI and others are prescribing more consultative and collaborative ways of working in primary schools it is appropriate that some research takes place into the kinds of social and communication skills required of teachers .
2 Although some liaison takes place with the school 's link person , the DCSLs tend to perform these functions independently .
3 Although expressed simply , it is assumed that the necessary liaison takes place between the sub-systems of the model on matters of common interest .
4 A social and sports quiz takes place in the village on March 7 and on March 8 residents from the St John of God Hospital , Scorton , will visit the ship at Hartlepool .
5 The action takes place outside the Haig Building , in Maryland Street , near the Everyman , starting at 5.30pm , writes Ian Hargraves .
6 The action takes place at the Teddington Lock studios in Middlesex on Saturday December 12 at 6–10pm .
7 Most of the action takes place in a castle bristling with platforms and a variety of reptilian nasties in several stages of dismemberment , from full-bodied dragons to dragon 's heads , spiders and giant fish .
8 The action takes place in a Magnox power station where a guide ‘ struggling with the limited conceptual understanding of the local Mayor and Lady Tiara ’ , starts explaining by analogy .
9 The action takes place in the land of Cartoonia where the beautiful Princess Lady-Bug has been ( wait for it ) kidnapped .
10 This was no mean achievement , bearing in mind that much of the action takes place in the contestants ’ changing room .
11 A day or two later — whenever it suits the Government — the theoretical actual vote takes place on the Floor of the House and , if a Division is called , most hon. Members do not know what they are voting about .
12 She may have been led to the variations by the necessarily high-class backgrounds of her Lord Peter 's earlier investigations , but the book in which she definitively arrived at the backgrounder was The Five Red Herrings of 1931 , in which murder takes place in an artists ' colony in Galloway in Scotland .
13 if relocation takes place during a school term , the company will reimburse day school fees for the remainder of that term or for such periods as required by the school for pupil removal .
14 If the relocation takes place at a time when it is important for a child to complete a course of education , e.g. GCE examinations , the company will pay reasonable board and lodging costs for the child up to a maximum of £200 per month for the remainder of that school term or until all examinations are complete within that academic year .
15 The problem does not arise where the review takes place on the assumption of a hypothetical letting for the residue of the actual term .
16 When investment takes place during a year , new capital is created and it is correct that this should be included in our calculation of the value of total output for that year .
17 As weak springs can only stored a fraction of the potential energy that a strong spring can hold , the remainder is lost as heat and if the change from a strong to a weak spring takes place over a period of time , equivalent to the observation time , then the energy loss is detected as mechanical damping .
18 Automatic adjustment for wear takes place at the pedal end of the cable to maintain smoothness of use .
19 To begin with , it must be remembered that in avian predators , all digestion takes place in the stomach , whereas in mammalian carnivores digestion continues in the intestines as the food passes through the system .
20 In the context of inflationary scenarios this formation takes place at a time ( refs 14 , 15 ) .
21 Pellet formation takes place in the stomach , and it comes about because the small size of the pyloric opening connecting the stomach to the rest of the digestive tract and its high placement prevent the passage of larger particles into the intestines ( Reed & Reed , 1928 ; Grimm & Whitehouse , 1963 ) .
22 We have to mean business , and this means taking on those people who , as a matter of business and commerce , profit from the exploitation of animals whether that exploitation takes place in the circus , the zoo , the slaughterhouse , or the trade in exotic species or so-called ‘ food animals ’ .
23 An open exercise session takes place at the Landsdowne Centre for Physically Handicapped People , Landsdowne Road , Middlesbrough , on Wednesday , from 3.15 pm to 4.15 pm , with a trained physiotherapist .
24 Neasham Jumble sale : A jumble sale in aid of the Neasham Women 's Institute takes place in the village hall on March 19 at 6.15pm .
25 The anointing takes place in the house of Simon the leper , which was in Bethany .
26 In fact , much of the use of the logic of experimental design in survey work takes place at the data analysis stage through elaborations of the cross-tabulation technique ( described in Chapter 3 ) .
27 The PGCE work takes place within the framework of the project .
28 Undergraduate course work takes place within the environment of the School of Agriculture 's research , development and consultancy activities .
29 Pregnancy sometimes occurs when intercourse takes place during a period .
30 It may be committed where sexual intercourse takes place between a man and his daughter , sister , or half-sister , mother or grand-daughter irrespective of whether the relationship is traced through ‘ lawful wedlock , ’ and irrespective of whether consent is present .
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