Example sentences of "[noun sg] needs to [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Jane Sloan , of Cornwall SSD , feel more money needs to be made available as ‘ we have n't got enough money to get the resources to work with the problem .
2 For 90° corners where resistance needs to be kept low or to reduce noise .
3 The implications of these terms are considered later but the use of terminology in this study text needs to be made clear at the outset .
4 The burnt skin needs to be kept clean and after-sun creams and lotions can be soothing .
5 These terms and conditions are , however , intended to serve as guidelines , and for them to be valid , the purchaser needs to be made aware of them .
6 This is nonsense and the record needs to be put straight .
7 From time to time every such persisting debt relationship needs to be made manifest in an actual gift transaction , but the relationship is in the feeling of indebtedness not in the gift .
8 The glass surface needs to be kept clean — a regular hose-down is all that is required ( not always easy on the roof ) — and the collector box should be weatherproof .
9 ( The same , actually , is true of a press campaign , but there is no reason to simplify , since the appearance of an ad in a particular paper at a particular time is determined , whereas the actual TV buying pattern needs to be left flexible . )
10 But wherever it comes from , the theory needs to be made explicit and public if its relevance to pedagogy is to be effectively assessed .
11 I think it is erm Greater York that has been seen as an area with special problems because of its er historic character , erm which we spent many hours debating at the York greenbelt local plan inquiry , and I think most participants there accepted that the er what was being protected was not just the historic core , but also the setting of York and its surrounding ring of villages , and the way which it is proposed to protect that setting and character is by a greenbelt , now it follows that if you are imposing extremely severe restrictions on new development in an area around a settlement , then you have to meet the legitimate development needs for that settlement in another location , the further away that new settlement or other policy response is located it seems to me the less likely it is to meet the er needs of that settlement , and that will give rise to erm , you know , additional pressures on the settlement you are proposing to protect and maybe those pressures could not be resisted , and I think that 's why there is this requirement that erm the development which might otherwise be built on the edge of York , but which is not proposed to be so built because of the greenbelt needs to be located close , as close to York as is consistent with the original environmental objectives greenbelt objectives for the greenbelt .
12 Indicating understanding of poor language skills does not necessarily mean that children receive what they are asking for but the fact that poor language has not interfered with the process of communication needs to be made clear to children .
13 A message needs to be sent loud and clear to the Church of England Synod that a complete change in thinking is vital if the new wine is not to burst out of the old wineskins and be lost .
14 Such information needs to be made available , not just to patients , their families , and their doctors , but perhaps more importantly , to actuaries , insurers , and those advising employers .
15 Such information needs to be made available , not just to patients and their doctors , but perhaps more importantly , to actuaries , insurers , and those advising employers .
16 But one thing needs to be made clear .
17 Our campaign has consistently urged the Government to undertake a full and proper defence review that would determine what our commitments are , and are likely to be , and what level of resource needs to be made available to meet them — whether from the Army , Navy or Air Force .
18 Any hospital needs to be kept clean and the patients need good food .
19 If the public needs to be made aware of what 's going on then I shall be the one to do it , and no one … no one will scare me off from reporting the truth ! ’
20 This filter needs to be kept clean , or the pump 's flow will be reduced .
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