Example sentences of "[noun sg] before he [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Numbly , she followed him to the ladder at the back of the yacht , then watched as he ignored it and dived powerfully into the indigo water , his body slicing cleanly with hardly a splash before he struck out with a strong , fast crawl towards the far distant shore .
2 ‘ We ‘ ave to go after that German and kill ‘ im before he catches up with the captain . ’
3 Transfixed by the sudden intensity of his gaze before he turned back to the Empress , she was totally unprepared for what happened next .
4 The star reincarnates his No Name as an avenging ghost in a High Noon -style rotten community , forcing them to paint their town red before he stands up to the killers who are about to ride through and finally saving the place only by burning it down ( a process the US army tried in Vietnam ) .
5 With no game this weekend the Manor Ground was closed for business … but the directors were working overtime in the boardroom … sorting through thirty applications for the manager 's job … they 've drawn up a shortlist … four men are being interviewed over the next couple of days … who are they … the club are keeping the names a secret … we reckon Chris Nicholl … the former Southampton manager is still in the running … so too is the former Sunderland and Bristol City chief Denis Smith … the fans favourite is Mark Lawrenson who was in charge of United for a short spell before he fell out with Maxwells and the fourth man … is a mystery … could be the dark horse the names of former England keeper Ray Clemence and one time Villa striker Peter Withe have been under discussion … all will be revealed later this week …
6 Little is known about Philip Henry Thomas 's life and career before he settled down in Lambeth with his Newport-born wife Elizabeth , grand-daughter of Alderman William Townsend ( 1795–1877 ) on her father 's side and a sea-captain named Marendaz on her mother 's side .
7 A month before he went up in 1897 his father 's first cousin ( and namesake ) had been struck by the lad 's awkward manners , silent gaucherie , unsuitable dress , and down-covered chin ; three years later Edward returned the visit in a colours blazer , accompanied by his wife and his eight-months-old son .
8 Thank you for the silk , glad you were able to wrest it from the Governor before he set off to Lepcis Magna with it .
9 It caught him full in the middle of his back , throwing him into the air before he crashed down on the cobbles .
10 He lifted his head , his face grey with outrage , and firmly closed the book before he looked round at all the carefully respectful countenances ringing him round like the pales of a fence , a barrier through which he found the only dignified way , at someone else 's expense .
11 In the earlier years of living with her he had sometimes left her a note speared on the kitchen tap before he went out for his walk — stirred and perhaps even drawn by the sight of her plain , flushed face in bed , which had begun to acquire in sleep a look of distress and disappointment .
12 And then , after putting the note on his bed for him to read when he came back for his rest and covering it with the undyed hessian bedspread in case their child saw it , she would sit down and try to wring words out of the sleepy little boy at breakfast before he went off to school , and find that she had an empty morning in which to worry about what she had written .
13 " Andrew Stavanger is a fine shipping man — his family owned the fleet before he sold out to the group .
14 That was why he needed a hit of Valium before he headed back to London , to his bed .
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