Example sentences of "[noun sg] before she [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As usual , he was at his desk before she arrived at the office , and , as always , she felt that brief but undeniable shock of pleasure at seeing him .
2 Lydia looked at the picture before she looked at the signature .
3 She accepted the farewells of her parents and brothers as if in a dream : her real self seemed to hold aloof from the tearful embraces of her mother , the kisses of her brothers , and her father 's last loving hug before she stepped into the boat to be rowed out across the harbour .
4 I 'm more like Cinderella , are n't I , having a couple of hours at a ball before she returns to the dishes ? ’
5 Beryl gave her some advice before she left on the night flight the following Friday .
6 However , in 1989 things started to go all wrong as she developed a hook in the very week before she went to the English at Burnham and Berrow Much of the season , by her high standards , was bitterly disappointing but , by dint of " plugging away " , she began to rediscover her form during the week of the English Intermediate won by Lora Fairclough .
7 She took one last look at herself in the wardrobe mirror before she pulled on the sheepskin that her father had bought her for Christmas .
8 This is what Lise does in Mother Simone 's kitchen in La FilleMal Gardeé and Cinderella in her kitchen before she dances with the broom .
9 She 's bright — she was at Bristol University before she went to the secretarial college .
10 She was afraid of running out of time before she got to the point .
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