Example sentences of "[noun sg] as far [adv] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The turkey originated from the American continent as far back as 10 million years ago .
2 Merrill thought , as she sat in the car as far away as possible from him .
3 Those of you who remember Fred will know how he worked to start the British Pensioners and Trade Union Action Association as far back as nineteen seventy two .
4 The matter was first drawn to our attention as far back as 1974 when the nuclear industry inspectorate 's chief inspector said this about the consequences of developing reprocessing in the United Kingdom : ’ The price for Britain of building lucrative business world-wide in nuclear fuel services could be that it becomes the dumping place for the world 's nuclear waste . ’
5 The first recorded game took place as far back as 1851 with a match between Oporton and Lisbon .
6 The smaller British fund had been licensed to operate by the DTI since 1985 and it had known about the business as far back as 1975 .
7 Dr Peter Macdonald , the president of the Yorkshire branch of the British Medical Association , wrote a letter to the British Medical Journal as far back as 1932 .
8 Can it be that one day , off it goes on , that one day I simply stayed in , in where , instead of going out , in the old way , out to spend day and night as far away as possible , it was n't far .
9 Although reporters gave the impression that the troupes were new to the American stage , they had in fact made their debut as far back as 1900 when George Lederer booked them to perform their original Pony Trot .
10 As a verb it means simply ‘ to copulate ’ and the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary traces its literary use as a verb as far back as 1503 , when the poet ( and sometime Franciscan friar ) William Dunbar included this line in one of his verses : ‘ Be his feiris he wald have fukkit ’ .
11 Their ancestry can be traced in the Reading area as far back as 1240 .
12 Through oral history ( questioning older people ) , and by using other resources such as old photographs , or artefacts , pupils can begin to investigate life as far back as 50 to 80 years ago .
13 Thin veils of smoke , detected by satellite as far away as southeastern Pakistan , 2000 km east of Kuwait , were found to have risen to heights of between 6 and 7 km .
14 Eternity as the sound of endless babble : one could of course imagine worse things , but the idea of hearing women 's voices forever , continuously , without end , gave her sufficient incentive to cling seriously to life and to do everything in her power to keep death as far away as possible .
15 In the spring of 1940 John Avison and I rounded up a group of like-minded radio people with the object of renting a large house as far away as possible from downtown Vancouver .
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