Example sentences of "[noun sg] does not [adv] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow the shape of the headstock does n't really go with the traditional body design , but at least Aria have n't tried to turn this guitar into a direct Strat copy , and more credit to them for that .
2 ‘ Twelve months later the conclusion is that the race does n't always go to the swift — even if it is the way the bookmaker bets , ’ commented Mike Gaston , the station 's managing director , who took over running the company just a year ago .
3 oh that tie does n't even go with that suit , look at that , brown tie with a blue suit get this into ya , ha , ha
4 Life does not always go to plan .
5 The last word does not always go to the fastest gun .
6 More intense review than that provided by a test of arbitrariness will be necessary in order to ensure that the agency does not just go through the motions of listening to people .
7 However , that money does n't simply go into the retailer 's own pocket !
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