Example sentences of "[noun sg] when it [be] revealed that " in BNC.

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1 Australian businessman Alan Bond shot to international prominence when it was revealed that Sotheby 's had lent him the money to purchase van Gogh 's $53.9 million ‘ Irises ’ .
2 Mr Aichi had had to withdraw his candidature for the governorship of Miyagi prefecture when it was revealed that he had been on the take .
3 Although Kerrey 's campaign was lifted by this success , on the following day it suffered a setback when it was revealed that a restaurant chain of which he was part-owner had been fined $64,000 for 116 violations of child protection laws .
4 The theatrical aspect was maintained to the end when it was revealed that the stranger had , in fact , been bidding on behalf of Dunlop .
5 They were borrowed from a nearby hotel when it was revealed that the castle did not have enough .
6 Faces reddened at the Ministry of Defence when it was revealed that a thief had snatched top-secret documents about the Gulf from an unlocked car on December 17th .
7 So it was inevitable that there would be an emotional outburst when it was revealed that the local health authority are investigating the much-loved GP for working too hard .
8 Last December an appeal court ordered the retrial of a convicted murderer when it was revealed that his wife had had an affair with his lawyer .
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