Example sentences of "[noun sg] as soon [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Bring everything to the small salon as soon as you have it ready .
2 If you do the work early somebody changes their mind as soon as you 've finished .
3 ‘ I 'll arrange a press briefing as soon as I have a base and something to say ; meanwhile , all I can tell you is that early this morning Matthew Glynn , the bookseller , was found dead in his office in circumstances suggesting foul play . ’
4 Instinctively they may opt to carry out the minimum of conversation and close the interview as soon as they have supplied the list of solicitors .
5 It 's alright in that light as soon as I put it on the line it looks peculiar !
6 ‘ I may have to miss the first game but I 'm hoping to get myself a boot made for my left foot with a steel plate in it to protect the toe so that I can practice as soon as I get to India . ’
7 We will commence our work as soon as we have had confirmation of these terms from you .
8 At present , a recipient of Invalidity Benefit is likely to lose the whole of this income transfer as soon as they enter employment .
9 In this case , the referee will stop the bout as soon as you score , so your step-out will occur out of time .
10 Many of the rules for knitting these stitches on single bed go out of the window as soon as you bring the second bed into operation .
11 It is very important for parents to get professional help as soon as they recognize any of these warning signs .
12 You should tell your Social Services Occupational Therapist that you wish to apply to Social Services for financial help as soon as you know to prevent delay .
13 You can send them to the Link editor as soon as you like , but the final date of entry is October 30 .
14 ‘ You may start your apologising as soon as I switch off the machine .
15 Get in contact with your lender as soon as you realise that you may have a problem meeting the repayments and continue to pay monthly as much as you can afford .
16 I shall make an announcement as soon as I reach a decision .
17 Make up lots of things on which to focus the mind and start the process as soon as you set off , or start , whatever task you are attempting to achieve .
18 MOTORISTS forget everything they have learned about road safety as soon as they pass their driving test .
19 Drink this pure and ‘ crystallised ’ water as soon as you wake up , and then refill the glass for the next time .
20 I 'll light the stove as soon as I 've stowed everything away . ’
21 Protagon is the new racket out of tennis mad Germany which feels like that old friend as soon as you come into contact with it , as soon as you shake it by the hand .
22 Culture shock and seasickness strike as soon as they board the North Sea Ferry !
23 And we 'll give you a phone as soon as they get back to us .
24 And we 'll give you a phone as soon as they get back to us .
25 What a horror they drive you mad though , god As soon as you 've got you get used to stage with just Charlotte where you can get on and do things an
26 ‘ I 'm not bringing anyone at all and , as to the seat , I 'll pay for mine as soon as I see you . ’
27 He nodded , his face ruthless , and said , ‘ We 'll announce the news to your father as soon as we return ! ’
28 ‘ As to that , my lord , be assured I shall send word to Her Grace as soon as I leave here .
29 Subjects are given a particular word — let us say the word lead — and then they listen to a pair of sentences and press a button as soon as they hear the target word .
30 Subjects press a button as soon as they have read the currently available word or words , and this makes the next word or words available .
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