Example sentences of "[noun sg] as though [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This produced a laugh which unfortunately brought on such a fit of coughing that Wilson was obliged to put Pilade down and attend to the invalid as though she were still her maid .
2 He expects me to carry on up at the manor as though it 's just another working day. ?
3 He tapped the desk as though it was all there in a diagram that I should have already looked at .
4 He recounted all this without any anger or bitterness , but as he got up from his chair to go to the kitchen I had to turn away rather than watch him move around his flat as though he were still hampered by chains .
5 Mrs Browning handed her Ellen 's missive as though it were hardly fit to handle and she took it with equal reluctance .
6 Injecting a note of surprise into her voice as though she were only now aware of her presence , she greeted , ‘ Hello again , Mrs Beeson .
7 He could hear her voice as though she was here in this room , her own unique aroma all around him .
8 Yet our art persists in trying to render the world as though it were here , now , available , he wrote .
9 She felt a great surge of depression and a feeling of imminent disaster as though she were very old and death was not far away .
10 The blackbirds that saw it quickly treated this bird as though it were potentially dangerous and mobbed it , even when their fellows could not see the owl and so were making no noise .
11 Here the expression may , as so often , be read to blur the fact of a change of substance , to present a difference of kind as though it were only a modest difference of degree .
12 In contrast , the Annamese monarch seemed to shrink deeper into the embrace of his gilded throne as though he was only too well aware that the diplomatic niceties of the Frenchman 's address did nothing to alter the fact that he and his people were irretrievably beholden to the will and whim of France .
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