Example sentences of "[noun sg] are unlikely to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the main intended beneficiaries of the new law are unlikely to be able to afford the rents at places they now have legal access to .
2 Drugs which affect one single mediator and/or block one single receptor are unlikely to be helpful .
3 Questions which had no real purpose in the first place are unlikely to be easy to analyse at the answer stage since the researcher is seeking for answers to his hypotheses which will show whether they are to be substantiated or not .
4 The results of the highly unusual job show that lead or chlorohydrocarbons associated with pesticide are unlikely to be responsible for ‘ flaccid trunk syndrome ’ which is afflicting elephants around Lake Kariba .
5 And such talents , it should be emphasized , are necessary not just for campaigning , but also for governing ; presidents unable to master television are unlikely to be effective in office .
6 Thus , they contend that losses resulting from the automatic prohibition of mergers above a certain size are unlikely to be substantial , and are more than likely to be offset by the benefits arising from the creation of a climate of greater certainty and competition .
7 Opted-out schools , operating in atomised isolation , in competition with each other and with the rump of the LEA system are unlikely to be capable of collective action in support of whole community needs .
8 Thus , changes in the physico-chemical properties of mucosal cell membranes as a consequence of the putative variations in their fatty acid composition are unlikely to be responsible for the beneficial effect of diet , since those structural changes would also intervene when the acid load is delivered to the mucosa without prior irritation .
9 At the same time , demands for freedom or greater autonomy are unlikely to be popular .
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