Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [art] eye [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He pouches the ball with the eye of a major league outfielder , and that is because he was a player of some repute before he gave up the bat for the bag at the start of the 1970s .
2 He became a household name after his role as the caddish Ralph Gorse in The Charmer — and even in those Lloyds Bank ads , he plays a smoothie with an eye for a pretty girl .
3 He did not look like a wolf , but he did look like a young man with an eye for a girl , and techniques that would bear watching .
4 Small-town solicitor takes lid off global scams Audrey Gillan meets the man with an eye for a con and finds the Salvation Army is one of a long list of potential fraud targets
5 They conclude : ‘ We therefore approach the passive with an eye to a bold simplification of the problems of meaning .
6 Examining this structure with the eye of an engineer it is at once evident that very little of the stiffness of the carbon — carbon chain will be reflected in the macroscopic modulus of the plastic since the bonds which control the extension are not the covalent primary bonds but the secondary or van der Waal forces which attach the convolutions of the chain to each other .
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