Example sentences of "[noun sg] was placed [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before the dead soldier was placed in the ditch his pay books , personal possessions , his equipment , and one of his identity discs were removed , leaving one disc on the body for identification purposes .
2 A small advert was placed in the D and S Times and Wilgro 's telephone hardly stopped ringing for two weeks .
3 Emphasis on analogies and external characters led to the splitting up of the marsupials , so that the thylacine was placed among the dogs despite its extraordinary reproductive system .
4 In the first five patients and patient 12 a percutaneous transhepatic catheter was placed into the portal vein to act as a target for the transjugular needle .
5 In this instance the issue of accountability was a principal and explicit motivation , and the need for a curriculum review was placed in the context of the need to provide information for the headteacher , the school governors , ‘ feeder ’ schools , and the LEA .
6 No timescale was placed on the proposals to limit US military influence and the USA called on the JSP to clarify its position .
7 At the end of August an indefinite freeze was placed on the repatriation of foreign companies ' profits and dividends ; however , in September the rules were relaxed to allow transfer of normal profits after 60 days , and in November it was reported that the freeze was to be lifted under pressure from international corporations .
8 On 30 July , the Battalion was placed under the command of the 1 st Canadian Army and under the 6th Airborne Division for operations .
9 His desk was placed near the window , overlooking the narrow canyon of the street .
10 In 1946 , the National Health Service Act was placed on the Statute Book , and the future of St. Peter 's Hospital became the subject of intensive local debate and negotiation .
11 The first is that broadcasting was placed in the care of public corporations independent of the government of the day only when the prospect of African government loomed large .
12 A Ministry of State for Co-ordination of the Social Sector was placed in the charge of Second Deputy Chairman of the Council of State Vasco Cabral .
13 The mother of the remaining patient confessed to abuse and the child was placed in the care of the extended family .
14 Rivetingly , at the exhibition a three dimensional version of this work made by a child was placed beneath the portrait , a delicious counterpoint to the highly wrought and sophisticated 17th century portrait .
15 In the 1965 Renault 16 the engine was placed behind the gearbox .
16 As pointed out in an earlier chapter , security was placed in the hands of the army as part of the innovations of the Whitelaw administration .
17 However , in the sequence proposed by Smith ( 1969 , 100 ) : Newton St. Loe Withington Barton Farm Woodchester the Withington pavement was placed after the Newton St. Loe mosaic , and both were considered as works of the late-third century .
18 De Glanville though spending some time here at Halling , was a much travelled man , rather I should say kept continuously on the run for these were most troubled times and towards the latter part of his life an interdict was placed on the country and it is recorded he was buried without a service .
19 Considerable importance was placed by the government on the favourable effects that the MTFS would have on expectations about prices and employment , and therefore on wage claims .
20 The colonists had enough newspapers to take any visiting Englishman aback , and were developing industries fast enough to disturb the balance of the integrated commercial system : in 1699 Americans were forbidden to spin woollens for export , even to another colony ; in 1732 a similar limitation was placed on the manufacture of hats and caps ; and in 1750 the Iron Act allowed them to smelt iron ore into pig iron but forbade them to go any further in processing it , though in the event the American colonies were producing more iron and steel than Britain by 1775 .
21 The limitation was placed in the case of Becker v Wright 42 TC 591 .
22 ‘ If a body was placed in the water at that time , would it have been carried away by the tide ? ’
23 ‘ To the best of my belief the body was placed in the water shortly after death but the possibility that there was an interval of several hours can not be totally excluded …
24 A statement from the harbour-master which confirmed the conversation he had had with Mary Penrose 's father : ‘ In my opinion , having in mind recent weather conditions , the finding of the body on the west side of Kernick Head makes it almost certain that the body was placed in the water further to the west , most likely in the neighbourhood of the old sewage outfall … ’
25 In 1914 they launched what was one of their crazier attacks , and on 4th June , the deaf community of Dundee was very nearly the victim when a massive bomb was placed against the doorway of Dunhope Castle , the home of Dundee School for the Deaf and the Dundee Mission to the Deaf and Dumb .
26 His education was placed in the hands of a series of military tutors , and before the pathetic little boy was seven he had been appointed the youngest corporal in the Prussian Army and made to congratulate his father on his thirtieth birthday in full uniform .
27 As the campaign wore on , greater emphasis was placed on the lesbian and gay issue and the threat that Labour 's policies posed to everything that was ‘ normal ’ and ‘ natural ’ .
28 In the later first century overwhelming emphasis was placed on the hair framing the face .
29 Considerable emphasis was placed on the idea of separate ‘ cultures ’ ( or more properly sub-cultures ) of poverty as a way of explaining the persistence of deprivation in societies which in principle were egalitarian and which certainly had seen massive increases in total welfare .
30 In this evaluation project great emphasis was placed on the formulation of specific objectives .
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