Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] [prep] the others " in BNC.

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1 Ib 's Club was similar to the others she 'd visited , but more so , Gina decided a few minutes later as wearily she followed Rune into its depths : deeper , darker , more packed , the music more rawly evocative .
2 The Geological Survey was one of the very few organizations employing men of science in Britain — Greenwich Observatory was one of the others — but their status was about that of clerks in the Civil Service , and this rankled .
3 This tree was different from the others because it had branches hanging down very low .
4 Like so many of the visitors , though he was dressed in the bright overalls of the Men he stared for long periods into the Cages , but it seemed to Creggan that his staring was different from the others and less cruel .
5 On " same " trials all the letters were identical ; on " different " trials at least one letter was different from the others .
6 The British liked to think their system was different from the others , but it is not easy , in examining the literature , to discover exactly where in practice the difference lay .
7 He learnt to eat tidily later than most children , and the mess down his front was hard for the others to bear .
8 Calling in Mrs Thatcher to amplify his own quiet words , he started to say things which explained why his party was different from the others .
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