Example sentences of "[noun sg] and i do [not/n't] believe " in BNC.

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1 Klensch is well-known in the trade for patting all the most dreadful couturiers on the back , claiming , ‘ If I say a show is bad and a designer has very little talent , it really can have an adverse effect and I do n't believe that is my job . ’
2 I did n't find blood and I do n't believe he did . ’
3 They are a waste of time and money and I do n't believe they work
4 Paul happens to be a very good friend and I do n't believe in doing the dirty on my friends , OK ? ’
5 My wife and I do n't believe this practice can be illegal but we both feel that such a man with influence over vulnerable young boys is the wrong person to teach them .
6 I do n't object to these people on grounds of race and I do n't believe that any other Florentine does either .
7 She 's a young girl who really has her feet planted on the ground and I do n't believe she has let herself be carried away by her success .
8 I would not recommend them for submersed cultivation and I do not believe that a reputable aquarium dealer would sell you those plants as aquarium plants .
9 In his view — I quote him precisely — ’ it would be an act of sheer folly and I do not believe Mr. Lang is capable of that . ’
10 I was never in any doubt that Russell would be successful as a pro and I do n't believe we have seen anything like the best of him yet .
11 This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel , selling off the defence related industries of our country and I do n't believe the people of this country will be prepared to put up with that .
12 But I 'm also a Raider and I do n't believe the colour of my skin entered into this decision . ’
13 Francis said : ‘ We 're still seventh in the table and I do n't believe there are any major problems , but there is a little shortage of battling qualities at the moment . ’
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