Example sentences of "[noun sg] of what [pers pn] want [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's part of what we want to offer on this news network .
2 ‘ We wo n't , and that 's only part of what I want to tell you .
3 And here I come to the crux of what I want to say .
4 Yeah they 'll probably teach you that , yeah more than likely , yeah , you 'd of touch the chimney flue , part of it , but the trouble is the qualifications have fall beyond of what I want to do anyway and considering it 's gon na cost a couple of grand to get it
5 What what do you know sort of what you want to do at all or
6 Another reason may be , again , that they have very little precise notion of what they want to get from a particular text .
7 Give the most positive explanations you can and try to keep control of what you want to put over during the interview rather than being forced into a purely defensive position .
8 And also because the whole issue of all age worship , was one of the things that we put on the list of what we want to discuss .
9 In the form of a very brief list of what we want to know about A Level , could you do it ?
10 They delivered to his Downing Street home a list of what they want to get out of the recession .
11 We may set out to search with a tight specification of what we want to find .
12 For anyone seriously looking at the desktop publishing market it is vital that you have a clear understanding of what you want to do with the technology , regardless of the actual hardware or software .
13 Have some idea before you go into an agency of what you want to do or the type of company for which you want to work .
14 But you talk to people with the fervour of what you want to tell them .
15 An objective is a clear , precise forecast of what you want to achieve some time in the future .
16 The majority of potential users of desktop publishing systems have a definite idea of what they want to do with the system ; publish a newsletter , produce catalogues , spruce up company reports , etc .
17 Many applicants will have a firm idea of what they want to study at university , but others will want to take some time to consider various possibilities before they apply .
18 Once you have formulated your idea of what you want to see in the future , then you need to focus on how you can get there .
19 It 's hard to decide what you can do if you do n't know how much money you can get , and it 's hard to decide what something will cost if you have n't a clear idea of what you want to do .
20 Well you have to have some idea of what you want to do with it .
21 Whether you 're planning a long backpacking trip or a succession of short excursions , having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish is the surest way to get the most for your time and money .
22 I apply for university without any real idea of what I want to do .
23 I have a general idea of what I want to express , but no specific imagery .
24 In this case , speakers or writers start out with a semantic representation of what they want to say or write , and search for the corresponding phonological information ( enabling one to say a word ) or orthographical information ( enabling one to write a word .
25 Do n't base long term decisions on how you feel Tuesday for passing fads and fancies give you a false impression of what you want to achieve in times to come .
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