Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] depends [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The speed of breakdown depends upon the composition of the wastes , the availability of air and moisture , temperature , and the presence of the right soil fauna and flora .
2 Loss of bitterness depends on the boiling conditions , on the degree , type and time of trub formation and on the yeast action in fermentation .
3 It is only a slight exaggeration to say that , at this extraordinary historical moment , the future of Poland depends on the Germans ; the future of Europe depends on each behaving a little more like the other .
4 Therefore , the degree to which official statistics underestimate the actual level of crime depends on the particular category of crime .
5 Consumption will rise in period t+4 : But investment will start to fall because , according to the accelerator , the level of investment depends on the change in income ( which has now begun to decrease ) : So , after rising from periods t to t + 3 , income has now stayed the same from period t + 3 to t + 4 .
6 The kind of vocabulary depends on the person speaking .
7 Animals that feed on static food have to move around to find it ; and , as we shall see , the best course of movement depends on the distribution of the food items in space .
8 Since a digital image is simply an array of numbers it can be manipulated by computer ; the type of manipulation depends on the aims of the user .
9 When the assumption of no taxes is dropped the relevance of dividends depends on the neutrality of the taxation system .
10 Starting from a disequilibrium perspective , the accumulation of capital depends on the specification of ex ante investment and savings functions and the mechanism by which they are brought into equilibrium ( this being the kernel of the instability problem posed by the Harrod model ) .
11 The quantity of finds depends on the type of site being excavated , and for sites that produce a large quantity of finds , the tasks of washing and marking them can be lengthy .
12 The equanimity of your average tosser of coins depends upon the law , or rather a tendency , or let us say a probability , or at any rate a mathematically calculable chance , which ensures that he will not upset himself by losing too much nor upset his opponent by winning too often .
13 The distribution of taxes depends on the assumptions about the incidence , discussed below , and on the allocation series .
14 Even when increased authenticity might be judged to be desirable on motivational grounds , one is faced with the problem that the process of learning depends on the recognition of underlying regularities , on the identification of salient and essential features from all the accidental complexities of actual behaviour .
15 The exact form of the dominance relations within a group of hens depends on the size of the group .
16 The extent of losses from punishment of course depends on the form of punishment adopted ( we consider the question of the credibility of this punishment below , here we examine only its extent ) .
17 Calories are worked out on a per ounce basis ( or in grams , for the modern metric-minded ) , so how many calories you eat in a portion of food depends on the weight of the portion of food you arc eating .
18 The sign of M depends on the convention adopted for the direction of currents in the two loops .
19 The impact of debt depends on the nature of the taxes employed .
20 The lesson to be drawn is that the impact of debt depends on the other instruments open to the government , a point that is brought out even more clearly in the life-cycle model .
21 The impact of additions depends on the additions technique used .
22 The quality of learning depends upon the measure of our response and of our commitments .
23 Culture defines status , and fro women and men in many societies achievement or retention of status depends upon the number of children that one has ; for the women , having many children may be the only means of acquiring status within the family and the community .
24 The legal authority of statute depends in the final analysis , however , on its compatibility with the central core of that shared political morality .
25 ‘ I plan to appeal the decision and if necessary take the case to the European Court of Justice , ’ Parsons says , ‘ It is a moral issue : ECT 's mode of action depends on the damage it causes to the brain . ’
26 The availability of natural justice in the area of employment depends upon the nature of the employment relationship .
27 It fills all the interconnected voids , and the volume of water depends on the porosity and permeability of the rock .
28 In both plants and animals the movement of gametes depends upon the presence of water .
29 Their rate of discount depends on the financial status of the two companies .
30 The rate of profit depends on the output-capital ratio as well as on the share of profits ( chapter 8 ) .
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