Example sentences of "[noun sg] as far [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Merrill thought , as she sat in the car as far away as possible from him .
2 Can it be that one day , off it goes on , that one day I simply stayed in , in where , instead of going out , in the old way , out to spend day and night as far away as possible , it was n't far .
3 Thin veils of smoke , detected by satellite as far away as southeastern Pakistan , 2000 km east of Kuwait , were found to have risen to heights of between 6 and 7 km .
4 Eternity as the sound of endless babble : one could of course imagine worse things , but the idea of hearing women 's voices forever , continuously , without end , gave her sufficient incentive to cling seriously to life and to do everything in her power to keep death as far away as possible .
5 In the spring of 1940 John Avison and I rounded up a group of like-minded radio people with the object of renting a large house as far away as possible from downtown Vancouver .
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