Example sentences of "[noun sg] also include a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pamphlet also includes a checklist for parents with three quarters of the items relating to people and relationships , with few items concerned with facilities or materials .
2 The government 's latest programme also included an end to the indexation of wages to inflation , and a cut in the average import tariff from 22 per cent to 9.4 per cent , designed to improve the productivity and competitiveness of local industry .
3 His vision of the future also included a reduction in university support services for authors ; fewer editors working on more books ; cheaper typesetting and data processing costs ; significantly reduced print runs ( ‘ I expect 50 copies will be considered a large run for some titles ’ ) ; electronic customer catalogues ; improved customer service ; a merging of the jobs of copy editor , designer and production controller ; and dramatically improved distribution ( ‘ the 10 minute book run off locally in the shop could soon be a reality ’ ) .
4 The cross compiler also includes a suite of tools for real-time embedded systems development , including a linker , downloader and receiver and other real-time facilities .
5 The Act also includes a Scheme of Operations designed to ensure that the construction of the tunnel produces a minimum adverse environmental impact in Kent .
6 The museum also includes an exhibition of artefacts and pictures showing the history of the Northamptonshire Regiment .
7 This interest in colour does not stop at traditional boundaries , because the range also includes a selection of five metallic hues , an iridescent white and six pearlescent colours .
8 The range also includes a number of items suitable for a formal tank , as featured this month .
9 The disc also includes an extract from one of Schillings 's earlier operas Moloch| , composed in 1906 .
10 The LSE package also includes a state of the art security alarm , improved headlights , an increase in rear luggage space and an incar entertainment system with four co-axial speakers .
11 This Update also includes an article on the restructuring of the SCOTVEC verification system .
12 The week 's events , organised by the Royal Navy also included a fly-past by modern and historic maritime aircraft and a march by veterans and sailors through the centre of the city of Liverpool .
13 The final dividend also includes an element of compensation to shareholders for the UK government 's decision to reduce tax credits from 25% to 20% , announced at the 1993 Budget .
14 The exhibition also includes a smattering of drawings by Guercino lent by other dealers and museums , and is accompanied by a catalogue .
15 Racial nationalism also included a critique of Jewish banking policies .
16 The tour also included a visit to the cubing control room where operatives had overlooked a recent suggestion that ‘ Page 3 ’ type calendars should be removed .
17 The recording also includes a collection of canticles and responsories from other services .
18 The book also includes a selection of small-scale tasks to enable teachers to design and select effective listening materials for themselves .
19 The list also included a couple of cabbies .
20 The panel also included a sprinkling of other non-academics , but such extra academic connections were to prove increasingly tenuous , as was the degree of the Review 's continuity with the discourses of the Newbolt Report and issues of public policy .
21 Each handbook also includes a number of additional assessments .
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