Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [was/were] supposed to be " in BNC.

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1 The detective constable who was supposed to be guarding him was out of the ward at the time chatting up some nurses .
2 In Diana 's young mind her brother 's gravestone with its simple ‘ In Loving Memory ’ epitaph , was a permanent reminder that , as she now recalls : ‘ I was the girl who was supposed to be a boy . ’
3 er , they were meeting and the lad who was supposed to be at the meeting did n't know what they 'd come to decide on .
4 And so this poor woman who was supposed to be asleep , And the problem is that er it 's very difficult to decide whether somebody 's actually unconscious or not if they ca n't move .
5 He thought you 'd give up and go away , as the woman who was supposed to be writing the book did .
6 You know where there was that there was the young girl and there was the old wo , oldish woman who was supposed to be a film star or something ?
7 Wickham was left in no doubt who was supposed to be in control of the interview .
8 Extraordinarily enough for a couple who were supposed to be at such odds , they seem to have no problem over their conversation .
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